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He opens the door to go out. Good-bye till next Christmas, they ALL call after him, and they wave their hands to him as the Curtain closes. And this is the end of the Play. Characters And Costumes MOTHER GOOSE The conventional costume; full skirt, peaked hat, cane, spectacles, mitts. It is effective for her to draw her lips tight over her teeth so that her speech is that of a toothless old woman.

Three pictures hung upon the walls. Two were companion pieces. One of these represented a little boy wearing huge spectacles and trying to smoke an enormous pipe. This was called "I'm Grandpa," the title being printed in large black letters; the companion picture was entitled "I'm Grandma," a little girl in cap and "specs," wearing mitts, and knitting.

A woman was passing along the edge of the bluffs, carrying a basket in one hand and a green umbrella in the other; a tall, thin, angular woman, with the eye of a ferret. It was Ann Gossaway's day for visiting the sick, and she had just left Fogarty's cabin, where little Tod, with his throat tied up in red flannel, had tried on her mitts and played with her spectacles.

We saw that Pat was not likely to be much the worse for the adventure, and in a few seconds we got him safe out of the hole, and in a few more he was all to rights, and we helped him put on his snow-shoes, which were fortunately not broken. His cap had stuck to his head, and he had not even lost his mitts. "Bedad! I thought I was niver going to stop till I got to the bottom of the airth!

For a pair of mitts he sells his daughter to that ruffian." Without definite plan, quite vaguely and instinctively, he shook himself free from Muckluck, and rushed down to the scene of the tragedy. Muffled screams and yells issued with the smoke. Muckluck turned sharply to the Colonel, who was following, and said something that sent him headlong after the Boy.

Here, seated on the dry pine-needles, under a spreading tree, was a group of three: Malcolm Cameron, with his sister and the minister's daughter. "Hello, doctor!" cried the boy joyfully. "I've been looking all over for you. Come along. We're going to the hall." "What's to be seen there?" asked Gilbert, helping the ladies to rise. "Well, for one thing, there's your new mitts."

There were even her white lace mitts that Aunt Polly in an unusual fit of benevolence had given her. Then, as if to make the change complete, she searched out an old night robe, plain but smooth and clean and arrayed herself in it, and so, thankful, happy, she lay down as she had been bidden and fell asleep. David in the room below pondered, strange to say, the subject of dress.

What would you like to see in here? And I says up quick 'A long coat wid fer on it, and a handkerchief smellin' strong of satchel powder, and she whipped them out of the box and threw them on my knee, and a new pair of red mitts too.

But till then she must walk. Macdonald gave way with a gesture of his hand and turned on his heel. At the camp-fire Sheba dried her mukluks, stockings, caribou mitts, and short skirts. Too tired to eat, she forced herself to swallow a few bites and drank eagerly some tea. Gordon had brought blankets from the sled and he persuaded her to lie down for a few minutes.

I wonder if she didn't look at me kinder suspicious. Seemed as if she was taking me in, from head to foot." In this Miss Sophy was probably mistaken. Madge had looked at her because the garb of brightly-edged blanketing, the fur cap and mitts, the heavy long moccasins, all made a picture that was unfamiliar.