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"Well now, look 'ere, my toolip," returned the arab in a confidential tone, "I've took quite a fancy to you; you've got such a look, some'ow, of my poor old grandmother. Now, if you've no objection, I'd like to give you your breakfast. You're 'ungry, I suppose?" Jack admitted that he was, and, after a moment's hesitation, accepted this surprisingly kind and liberal offer.

He took another piece of cheese from a shelf as he spoke, and gave it to Robin. "Now, my young toolip," said Slagg, "havin' finished your feed, p'r'aps you'd like to see over the big ship." With great delight Robin said that he should like nothing better, and, being led forth, was soon lost a second time in wonderment.

In the fust place, I ain't got no talent at gardenin'. The on'y time I tried it was w'en I planted a toolip in a flower-pot, an' w'en I dug it up to see 'ow it was a-gittin on a cove told me I'd planted it upside down.

Dobson, Considine, and the three brothers turned with a mutual impulse towards Gertie, but Hans Marais had already taken possession of her, and, almost carrying her in his powerful arms, followed her father. "Come, my howlin' toolip," said George Dally, "you're my special and precious charge. Shut up, will you!"

While he was yet buried in thought, one of those sprightly creatures of the great city, known as street arabs, accosted him in a grave and friendly tone. "My sweet little toolip," he said, "can I do anythink for you?" Despite his grief Jack could scarcely forbear smiling at the absurdity of the question. "No, thank you," he replied.

It sometimes hurts digestion; good-bye." "Well, what d'ee think of Ebbysneezer Smith, my electrical toolip?" asked Jim Slagg, whom Robin encountered again at the station. "He's a wiry subject, I s'pose, like the rest of 'em?" "He's a very pleasant gentleman," answered Robin warmly. "Oh, of coorse he is. All the Smiths are so more or less. They're a glorious family.