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But come, I'll take you under my wing for the present, because your partikler owner, Ebbysneezer Smith, ain't come aboard yet ashore dissipatin', I suppose, an' everybody's so busy gettin' ready to start that nobody will care to be bothered with you, so come along."

It sometimes hurts digestion; good-bye." "Well, what d'ee think of Ebbysneezer Smith, my electrical toolip?" asked Jim Slagg, whom Robin encountered again at the station. "He's a wiry subject, I s'pose, like the rest of 'em?" "He's a very pleasant gentleman," answered Robin warmly. "Oh, of coorse he is. All the Smiths are so more or less. They're a glorious family.

As for the rest of 'em, sir, they all swim like ducks except Mr Ebbysneezer Smith, but he's took charge on by Captin Rik, so you may keep your mind easy. There's a bit o' flat beach hereabouts, an' no sea inside the reef, so we'll git ashore easy enough let's be thankful." Jim Slagg was right.

"Ebenezer Smith, I believe," said Robin. "Ebbysneezer Smith eh? well, upon my word that's a Smith-mixtur that I've never heerd on before. I don't know 'im, but he's all right, I dessay. They're a rum lot altogether." Whether this compliment was meant for the great Smith family in general, or the electrical branch in particular, Robin could not guess, and did not like to ask.