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With one stroke Sam disposed of one of the scoundrels, and Slagg succeeded in cutting down the other. Meanwhile our hero, Robin, and Stumps had attacked the two pirates who chanced to be nearest to them. The former thought of Letta and her wretched fate if this assault should fail.

"But I hope he won't put him in limbo, sir," said Jim Slagg. "I've no objection to recover our property, but somehow I don't like to have the poor fellow transported. You see I can't help thinkin' he was half-cracked when he did it." "He must take his chance, I suppose," said Sam, thoughtfully. "However, the telegram is off, and, if it ever reaches him, uncle Rik will act with discretion."

He closed his eyes, and the restful feeling that had suddenly arisen in his heart when he said the momentous words, "I will," coupled with exhaustion, resulted almost instantaneously in a quiet slumber. "When did he eat last?" asked Slagg of the old woman, in a low voice, for he had been taught, or had learned intuitively, that few things are more disheartening in a sick-room than a whisper.

Instinctively each member of the little crew drew towards those nearest and dearest. "Get out the boat!" shouted Captain Slagg; but the men could not obey, for a heavy sea had anticipated them, and the little dinghy was already careering shoreward, bottom up. The next wave lifted the Gleam like a cork, and let her down on the rocks like fifty-six tons of lead.

Our voyagers were still congratulating themselves on their good fortune in this respect, when the pirate-ship was observed to change her course, turn completely round and return towards the land! "They've seen us!" ejaculated Robin in consternation. "Our doom is fixed," said Sam in a tone of bitter despair. Slagg and his friend were so much overwhelmed that they could not speak.

"Well, I have not thought much of heaven," said Sam, "but I shouldn't wonder if it's something like the paradise, from which Adam and Eve were driven." "There's no sign o' natives as yet," said Slagg, who, regardless of these remarks, had been gazing at the island with eyes shaded by his hand. "Yes there is; yonder is one sitting on the rocks," said Stumps; "don't you see him move?"

"Tie a lot of these nails in a bit of sail-cloth, Slagg, and fix 'em to the raft to one of the spars, not the planks. Do the same with a saw, hammer, axe, and cask of biscuit, water, too; don't forget water. Make a belt of a bit of rope, Robin, and stick that small axe in it. Have it handy."

Coming in from the light prevented me at first. Why, it's like a huge circus!" "Yes, it on'y wants hosses an' clowns to make it all complete," said Slagg. "Now, that tank is 58 feet 6 inches in diameter, and 20 feet 6 inches deep, an' holds close upon 900 miles of cable. There are two other tanks not much smaller, all choke-full.

Jim Slagg however was prepared for that. He turned his head neatly to one side so as to let the blow pass, and at the same moment planted his knuckles on the bridge of his opponent's nose and sent him headlong into Jeff's bunk, which lay conveniently behind.

"No sign of the big raft," said Sam, stooping to unfasten the hammer and packet of nails, after taking one quick, anxious glance round the horizon. "But it may be not far-off after all," said Slagg, kneeling down to aid his comrade, while Stumps, by that time recovered, assisted Robin to tighten the ropes that held the pork-barrel.