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She sa'ntered 'roun' 'mongs' de vimes, en tuk a leaf fum dis one, en a grape-hull fum dat one, en a grape-seed fum anudder one; en den a little twig fum here, en a little pinch er dirt fum dere, en put it all in a big black bottle, wid a snake's toof en a speckle' hen's gall en some ha'rs fum a black cat's tail, en den fill' de bottle wid scuppernon' wine.

De nex' day he come walkin' down to de slabe-pen, a-purtendin' to be a planter, and a-axin' de price ob de niggers. When dey tole him I was Vina's husband, he says, 'Why, he's too ole to be anybody's husband: I don't believe he's got a toof in his head. 'Yes I has, massa, says I: 'I'se got t'ree left, and can chaw hoecake powerful, but I don't crack no pecans in my mouf.

He had seen Ady, he told me, with eagerness, and she had kissed him, and tied a string of beads about his neck red ones which he displayed; and "Ady had a comb in her head, and her toof was broke" touching one of his own front teeth lightly, so that I knew he was not pointing out any deficiency in the afore-mentioned comb.

She sa'ntered 'roun' mongs' de vimes, en tuk a leaf fum dis one, en a grape-hull fum dat one, en a grape-seed fum anudder one; en den a little twig fum here, en a little pinch er dirt fum dere, en put it all in a big black bottle, wid a snake's toof en a speckle' hen's gall en some ha'rs fum a black cat's tail, en den fill' de bottle wid scuppernon' wine.

You oughter seed dat toof, boss. Hit wuz wunner deze yer fo'-prong fellers. Ef she'd a grow'd wrong eend out'ard, I'd a bin a bad nigger long arter I jin'd de chu'ch. You year'd my ho'n!"

And after he was again astride the mule, plodding toward Bob's place, his hand continued to stroke with affectionate care those jaws that had been thrown into such spasms of suggested torture, muttering: "Who ever heerd tell of sech misery as puttin' mah onlies' toof on de grind-stone!"

I'll tell Ruthie, and Ruthie'll wash him with the toof brush." "I with thee would," sighed Charlie; "thee ought to. O ho!" he added, a bright thought striking him; "you got a mop?" "A mop?" "Yes; a bwoom 'thout any bwoom on it; only wags." Katie knew what he meant in a minute; and soon her hair was flying in the wind, as she ran into the house for her handled mop.

All night long dey racked an' dey galloped, an' w'en dey got tired er rackin' an' gallopin', dey all close in on de ole toof an' thumped it an' gouged at it twel it 'peared unto me dat dey had got de jaw-bone loosened up, an' wuz tryin' fer ter fetch it up thoo de top er my head an' out at der back er my neck. An' dey got wuss nex' day.

"'Git on my back, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in one year en I can't hear out'n de udder. "Den de little bird hop on his back. "'Hop on my head, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in bofe years. "Up hop de little bird. "'Hop on my toof, little Jack Sparrer, kaze I'm de'f in one year en I can't hear out'n de udder. "De tattlin' little bird hop on Brer Fox's toof, en den "

But when father is out of work we only has bread." Patience turned pale, and Thomas groaned. Jessie looked up with quick sympathy. "Have you hurted your toof, granp?" she asked gravely, little dreaming that it was she herself who had given him pain. "No, my dear, granp's all right. Try and make a good breakfast now. You've got to get as plump and round as the kitten over there."