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De sheriff not de high-sheriff, but one ob his understrappers wuz up ter our house to-day, a-purtendin' ter hunt atter Nimbus. I didn't put no reliance in dat, but somehow I can't make out cla'r how dey could hev got away with him an' Berry an' 'Liab, all on 'em, atter de fight h'yer, an' not left no trace nor sign on' em nowhar.

De nex' day he come walkin' down to de slabe-pen, a-purtendin' to be a planter, and a-axin' de price ob de niggers. When dey tole him I was Vina's husband, he says, 'Why, he's too ole to be anybody's husband: I don't believe he's got a toof in his head. 'Yes I has, massa, says I: 'I'se got t'ree left, and can chaw hoecake powerful, but I don't crack no pecans in my mouf.

I'se only drawed up wid de rheumatiz, dat's all. 'Come ober heah to de light, says he, 'an' let me look in yo' mouf, an' see whedder yer hab got any teef. So I went wid him, an' while he was a-purtendin' to find out my p'ints he says to me, very quiet, 'Yer ain't dat gal's husband, nohow, says he, 'an' yer knows it.: 'I knows it, massa, says I, 'an' I'se skeered for my life ob her, fur she done said she'd kill any one dey dar'd to mate wid her: she's done got a husband ob her own up de ribber, I reckon. 'Yes, dat am de truf, says Massa John Brown; 'but see here, uncle: de Lord has done 'p'inted yer to be a guardian angel to dat po' chile.