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"These muffins are very good," said Miss Minerva patiently. "Did you ever eat any bobbycued rabbit?" he asked. "Me an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln been eatin' chit'lins, an' sweet 'taters, an' 'possum, an' squirrel, an' hoecake, an' Brunswick stew ever sence we's born," was his proud announcement. "Use your napkin," commanded she, "and don't fill your mouth so full."

Flatter than a hoecake was the captain. "Farewell, my bluebell, farewell to thee," sang the captain as the iron crept cautiously over the great trouser leg of his Gargantuan full-dress suit. African mines blown up. Two inheritances shot. A last remittance blah. Rent bills, club bills, grocery bills, tailor bills, gambling bills. "Ho, Britons never will be slaves," sang the intrepid captain.

On fragrant hemlock boughs they slept the sleep of unsuccessful fishermen, for upon the lake alternately the sun made them lazy and the rain made them wet. Finally they ate the last bit of bacon and smoked and burned the last fearful and wonderful hoecake.

Hoecake is made exactly the same as flapjacks by substituting cornmeal for flour. Emergencyrations. Detailed instructions as to the manner of preparing the emergency ration are found on the label of each can.

"Is a fowl to be had?" "Gharîb-parwar," is the prompt reply. "Is hoecake to be had?" "Dharm-antâr," officiously cuts in Khudâbakhsh's mate, a low-caste Hindoo; and the principal thinks it unnecessary to respond to the question a second time. Now, what is to be done? What do they mean? Have they fowl and hoecake? Have they not fowl and hoecake? Here, to be sure, is a very bivium of perplexities.

Pour into the meat can, which should contain the grease from fried bacon or a spoonful of butter or fat, and place over medium hot coals sufficient to bake, so that in from 5 to 7 minutes the flapjack may be turned by a quick toss of the pan. Fry from 5 to 7 minutes longer, or until by examination it is found to be done. Hoecake.

Before they could ask him to light the kitchen fire, or fill the tea-kettle, or mix the hoecake, or dust the hearth, or feed the turkeys, or chop any wood, or go to the store, or pick any cotton, he had made up his mind that he was not going to work for his gran'mammy and his gran'daddy any longer. He was going to run away! So Li'l' Hannibal got out of bed very quietly.

"A woman oughtn't to risk feeding a hungry man cold moonbeams instead of hot hoecake. Besides, I have to see everybody safely tucked in before I can leave. Aren't they all a precious houseful of early-to-bed chickens? The old Sweeties have forgotten there is such a thing as the moon and Stonie hasn't found it out yet."

"I only wish she had been tempted to steal some bread along with it," rejoined Dan. Big Abel's answer was to draw a hoecake wrapped in an old newspaper from his pocket and place it on a short pine stump. Then he reached for his jack-knife and carefully slit the hoecake down the centre, after which he laid the bacon in slices between the crusts. "Did she steal that, too?" inquired Dan laughing.

"Her Uncle William!" repeated Julia, in amazement. "And who is the other man? His son?" "Yes, reckon so," said the negro. "They done call him Mr. Camel, or Camlet, or suthin. I tell you he’s han’some; and I reckon he’s tuk with Miss Fanny. Jiminy hoecake! Ain’t she pooty? She looked a heap han’somer than youno, I don’t mean so—I axes pardon agin."