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With oysters served raw on shell, a Horseradish Sandwich is proper. Tabasco, Grated Horseradish, Catsup, Cayenne, or Cocktail Sauce are in order for oysters or clams, and a half lemon should always be laid on the oyster plate. Sauce Tartare is always appropriate for fried fish. Broiled Halibut or Pompano gain by a Sauce Hollandaise. With Baked or Broiled Shad Cucumber Cream Sauce is in order.

fr. s. Merlan frit Maquereau a la maitre d'hotel Saumon frais, sauce aux capres 2 10 Raie, sauce aux capres ou au beurre noir 1 10 Turbot, sauce aux capres 2 10 Cabillaud Morue fraiche au beurre fondu Morue d'Hol. a la maitre-d'hotel ou a la Provencale 1 10 Sole frite Sole sur le plat 5 0 Eperlans frits Barbue Turbotin Matelote de carpe et d'anguille 2 0 Troncon d'anguille a la tartare 1 10 Carpe frite, la moitie 2 0 Perche du Rhin a la Vallesfiche Goujons frits 1 5 Truite au bleu Laitance de carpe Moules a la poulette 1 5 Homard 3 0 Esturgeon 2 10

The next instant she jerked the hook up and caught the creature by the lower jaw. It was the neatest thing I have ever seen. Tish came wading over to where I stood and examined the frog. "If we only had some Tartare sauce!" she said regretfully. "I wish you'd look at my ankle, Lizzie. There's something stuck to it." The something was a leech.

"Minerals!" The man with the wine card was nonplussed. Jones saw his mistake. "Soda water," said he. "Get me some soda water." The fillet of sole with sauce Tartare was excellent. Nothing, not even the minerals could dim that fact.

Take, for example, the following typical menu for a dollar dinner, served at the Fior d'Italia, and compare it with the fifty-cent dinner just mentioned: Salami and anchovies; salad; chicken broth with Italian paste; fillet of English sole, sauce tartare; spaghetti or ravioli; escallop of veal, caper sauce; French peas with butter; roast chicken with chiffon salad; ice cream or fried cream; assorted fruits and cakes; demi tasse.

It is recommended that constant use be made of this table, for much of the success achieved in cookery depends on a clear understanding of the words and expressions that are peculiar to this science. With; dressed in a certain style; as, smelts a la tartare, which means smelts with tartare sauce. Literally, dressed with brown crumbs. In actual practice, also flavored with grated cheese.

Watercress Salad. Willard Souffle. Strawberry Ice Cream. Salted Almonds. Bonbons. Crackers and Cheese. Black Coffee. Oyster Cocktail. Saltines. Mushroom and Sage Soup. Dinner Braids. Lobster Chops. Cucumber Boats. Sauce Tartare. Swedish Timbales with Calf's Brains. Larded Fillet of Beef with Truffles. Brown Mushroom Sauce, Potato Rings. Flageolets. Buttered Carrots.

Take out, roll in sifted flour, patting lightly as you roll, then shaking free of loose flour. Have deep fat, very hot it must be deep enough to swim the crabs. Drop them in gently, fry to a delicate brown, skim out, drain on hot spongy paper, and serve garnished with fried parsley, and sliced lemon. Serve with Tartare sauce.

To this add a tablespoonful either of capers or chopped pickled cucumber; this is the usual Tartare sauce; but the French recipe is a tablespoonful of very finely chopped chives, a teaspoonful each of fresh tarragon and chervil in place of the pickles.

FOUR ENTREMETS. Potatoes a la Duchesse; Blanc mange; Apple tartlets; Semolina pudding. MENU OF A FIRST RATE CHRISTMAS DINNER. Turtle soup; Turbot a la Vatel; Fillets of sole a la Tartare. THREE REMOVES. Roast turkey, Perigueux sauce; Braized ham a la jardiniere; Spiced round of beef.