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The Cafe Procope has been much altered and improved, and bears an inscription telling the date of its establishment, which was in the year 1689. I entered the cafe, which was nearly or quite empty, the usual breakfast hour being past. Garcon! Une tasse de cafe. If there is a river of mneme as a counterpart of the river lethe, my cup of coffee must have got its water from that stream of memory.

When he stands near Mademoiselle de Valois it is easy to see that they belong to the same father. My son purchased for the Chevalier d'Orleans the office of General of the Galleys from the Marechal de Tasse. He intends to make him a Knight of Malta, so that he may live unmarried, for my son does not wish to have the illegitimate branches of his family extended.

"Bien! bien!" interrupted I for all this chatter and circumlocution began to bore me very much; "I will consult M. Pelet, and the thing shall be settled as you desire. Good evening, mesdames I am infinitely obliged to you." "Comment! vous vous en allez deja?" exclaimed Madame Pelet. "Prenez encore quelquechose, monsieur; une pomme cuite, des biscuits, encore une tasse de cafe?"

"Platt Deutsch spricht-sie, ja?" Clara had said. It seemed as if there were no more to be said about the housekeeper. At prayers when they were all saying "Vater unser," she heard Jimmie murmur, "Ik kenne meine Tasse." Fraulein Pfaff came upstairs behind the girls and ordered silence as they went to their rooms.

The Cafe Procope has been much altered and improved, and bears an inscription telling the date of its establishment, which was in the year 1689. I entered the cafe, which was nearly or quite empty, the usual breakfast hour being past. Garcon! Une tasse de cafe. If there is a river of mneme as a counterpart of the river lethe, my cup of coffee must have got its water from that stream of memory.

The other was a Russian nobleman, six feet high and upwards, who, standing in the center of the room, downstairs, describing to seven gentlemen of unquestionable veracity the last moments of Peter the Great, and having a glass of eau de vie in his left hand, and his tasse de cafe, nearly finished, in his right, in like manner vanished.

'Les Legendes, of the Abbe Casgrain, 'Les Pionniers de l'Ouest, of M. Joseph Tasse, and the works of M. Faucher de St. Maurice, are among other illustrations of the national spirit that animates French Canadian writers, and makes them deservedly popular among their compatriots.

I have taken a 'cafe' and two 'Savoyards'." "Dear me! What a ferocious breakfast! Pray, explain yourself." "I say that I have drunk a cafe and eaten two Savoyards soaked in it, and that is what I do every morning." "You are stupid, my good friend. A cafe is the establishment in which coffee is sold, and you ought to say that you have drunk 'use tasse de cafe'" "Good indeed! Do you drink the cup?

"The expression is Boileau's, Mademoiselle, in ridicule of the 'Sot de qualite, who prefers "'Le clinquant du Tasse a tout l'or de Virgile. "But for my part I have as little faith in the last as the first." "I do not know Latin, and have therefore not read Virgil," said Isaura. "Possibly," remarked Graham, "Monsieur does not know Italian, and has therefore not read Tasso."

That lovest the harping of the Gael, Through fair and fertile regions borne, Where never yet grew grass or corn. But English poetry will never succeed under the influence of a Highland Helicon. Allons, courage! O vous, qui buvez, a tasse pleine, A cette heureuse f ontaine, Ou on ne voit, sur le rivage, Que quelques vilains troupeaux, Suivis de nymphes de village, Qui les escortent sans sabots