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MENU Potage aux tomates Coquilles de crevettes Barbue. Sauce câpres Pommes nature Filet de boeuf Flageolets. Pommes rissolées Asperges de Malines Sauce au beurre Pigeonneaux rôtis. Petits pois Poulets farcis. Compote de mangues Canetons rôtis. Salade russe Gâteaux Ananas au kirsch Fruits. Desserts

This paper comes out every week and devotes itself, as its forerunner, L'Assiette au Beurre, used to do, to one theme at a time, one phase or facet of the struggle, usually in the army, but also in civil life, where changes due to the War steadily occur.

But this beurre is so fresh I can't eat it; I want some salt." "Call for it, then," laughed Duncan. "I will; here's a go. Garçon, mapperty sellier!" "Good!" roared Duncan. "If we had a saddle of mutton for supper, I should suppose you would want what you called for." "I want the salt." "I thought you did; and that's the reason why you called for a saddler." "I didn't call for any saddler.

Moreover, he bore a noble spite against the gardener, whose special pride was in that pear wall; and Pet more than once had the joy of beholding him thrash his own innocent son for the dark disappearance of Beurre and Bergamot.

Hatchets, daggers, and nuclei, or as they are characteristically called by the country people LIVRES DE BEURRE, from Grand-Pressigny, have been picked up in the bed of the Seine, at Limagne in Auvergne, in Brittany, at Saint Medard near Bordeaux, on the banks of the Meuse, and even as far north as the Shetland Islands.

But there was a bloom of punctuality, so to speak, about these eggs of Bourg, as if it had been the in- tention of the very hens themselves that they should be promptly served. "Nous sommes en Bresse, et le beurre n'est pas mauvais," the landlady said, with a sort of dry coquetry, as she placed this article before me.

Besides our unusual privilege of grape-growing in the open air, our little estate boasted a magnificent beurré pear tree, a small arbor of intertwined and peculiarly fine filbert and cobnut trees, and some capital greengage and apple trees; among the latter, a remarkably large and productive Ribstone pippin.

After trench-warfare days there was an incongruity in some episodes, which was not devoid of humour. A more serious attack, in which the 4th Division upon our right was intended to co-operate, was made by B Company at 7.30 p.m. on April 15 against the same cottages, which formed part of the hamlet called La Pierre au Beurre.

His gray shirt might have been of any nationality, so that on the whole he made quite a passable Frenchman. While they waited for darkness he paraded the trench, shrugging his shoulders, and gesticulating. "Bon joor, mays ong-fong," he remarked with a careless hand-wave. "Hey, gar-song! Donney-moi du pang eh du beurre, si voo play and donnay-moi swoy-song cans rapeed exploseef!

Before they had reached the factory the stranger knew that there were three rows of cabins in the post, that the factory was a mighty fortress in its low solidity, and that the small log structure to the right of it with the barred window was the pot au beurre.