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It is essential that the solution should be cold and that the stannous chloride should not be present in great excess, otherwise a secondary reaction takes place, resulting in the reduction of the mercurous chloride to metallic mercury: SnCl + 2HgCl > SnCl + 2Hg. Heat at a temperature just below boiling until the undissolved residue is white or until solvent action has ceased.

Since the excess of both the gaseous reducing agents can only be expelled by boiling, with consequent uncertainty regarding both the removal of the excess and the reoxidation of the iron, zinc or stannous chlorides are the most satisfactory agents. For prompt and complete reduction it is essential that the iron solution should be brought into ultimate contact with the zinc.

In Weigler's process a bath is prepared by passing washed chlorine gas into a concentrated aqueous solution of stannous chloride to saturation, and expelling excess of gas by warming the solution, which is then diluted with about ten volumes of water, and filtered, if necessary.

When used, it must not be allowed to remain in the acid solution of ferric chloride for any length of time, since the platinum is attacked and dissolved, and the platinic chloride is later reduced by the stannous chloride, and in the reduced condition reacts with the bichromate, thus introducing an error. Mix ore and flux by thorough stirring with a dry glass rod.

The reagents available for the reduction of iron are stannous chloride, sulphurous acid, sulphureted hydrogen, and zinc; of these stannous chloride acts most readily, the completion of the reaction is most easily noted, and the excess of the reagent is most readily removed.

One gram of an oxide of iron is fused with potassium acid sulphate and the fusion dissolved in acid. The iron is reduced with stannous chloride, mercuric chloride is added, and the iron titrated with a normal K Cr O solution. 12.94 cc. were used. What is the formula of the oxide, FeO, Fe O , or Fe O ? !Answer!: Fe O . !Answer!: Monovalent.

Weigh out two portions of about 0.5 gram each into small porcelain crucibles. Proceed with the solution of the ore, treat the residue, if necessary, and reduce the iron by the addition of stannous chloride, followed by mercuric chloride, as described for the bichromate process on page 56.

The procedures, as here prescribed, are applicable to iron ores in general, provided these ores contain no constituents which are reduced by zinc or stannous chloride and reoxidized by permanganates. Many iron ores contain titanium, and this element among others does interfere with the determination of iron by the process described.

Tin is usually said to be dyad in stannous compounds and a tetrad in stannic compounds, but in a compound like SnCl AmCl, is not tin really a tetrad? and yet it is a stannous compound, and gives a black precipitate with H S; so that valency does not necessarily go with the series.

!Answer!: 0.4667 gram. One tenth gram of iron wire, 99.78% pure, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the iron oxidized completely with bromine water. How many grams of stannous chloride are there in a liter of solution if it requires 9.47 cc. to just reduce the iron in the above? What is the normal value of the stannous chloride solution as a reducing agent? !Answer!: 17.92 grams; 0.1888 N.