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The Nestorians of the plain were estimated at twenty thousand. 1 An analysis of the water of the lake is said to have proved it to be highly charged with sulphureted hydrogen. Dr. Grant left Tabriz six days in advance of his associates, to prepare for their coming. But so tardy had been the carpenters, that Mr. Perkins and the ladies found things in a very sorry condition.

These waters are freely drank, as well as bathed in, and are highly charged with sulphureted hydrogen, and contain sulphate of lime and carbonate of magnesia. There are some diseases of women for which the San Diego waters are considered to be a specific, and remarkable cures are authenticated. Rheumatism and skin diseases are specially treated by the local physician.

If the dilution is immediately stopped and the solution warmed, this sulphide is again brought into solution and at the same time more of the sulphureted hydrogen is expelled. This procedure must be continued until the sulphureted hydrogen is all removed, since it reacts with iodine.

I have often remarked this effluvium in sickly spots, and can not help believing but that it has some connection with fever, though I am quite aware of Dr. MacWilliams's unsuccessful efforts to discover sulphureted hydrogen, by the most delicate tests, in the Niger expedition. I had plenty of employment, for, besides attending to the severer cases, I had perpetual calls on my attention.

As in the case of the bichromate process, it is necessary to reduce the iron completely to the ferrous condition before titration. The reducing agents available are zinc, sulphurous acid, or sulphureted hydrogen. Stannous chloride may also be used when the titration is made in the presence of hydrochloric acid.

Gabriel's Kindness to them Difficulties in Trading Two Makololo Forays during our Absence Report of the Country to the N.E. Death of influential Men The Makololo desire to be nearer the Market Opinions upon a Change of Residence Climate of Barotse Valley Diseases Author's Fevers not a fair Criterion in the Matter The Interior an inviting Field for the Philanthropist Consultations about a Path to the East Coast Decide on descending North Bank of Zambesi Wait for the Rainy Season Native way of spending Time during the period of greatest Heat Favorable Opening for Missionary Enterprise Ben Habib wishes to marry A Maiden's Choice Sekeletu's Hospitality Sulphureted Hydrogen and Malaria Conversations with Makololo Their moral Character and Conduct Sekeletu wishes to purchase a Sugar-mill, etc.

Here the juice was extracted by a rude press, and put in bottles until it fermented and became worse in odor than sulphureted hydrogen.

A single precipitation of the magnesium compound in the presence of molybdenum compounds rarely yields a pure product. The molybdenum can be removed by solution of the precipitate in acid and precipitation of the molybdenum by sulphureted hydrogen, after which the magnesium precipitate may be again thrown down.

Daubeny of decomposition of trachytic rocks by sulphureted hydrogen and muriatic acid gases in the Solfatara, near Naples. In all these instances it is clear that the gaseous fluids must have made their way through vast thicknesses of porous or fissured rocks, and their modifying influence may spread through the crust for thousands of yards in thickness.

The analyses of the liquid obtained by Wackenroder and others, by passing sulphureted hydrogen and sulphur dioxide through water, are based on the assumption that only one acid is present in the solution, and consequently do not establish the existence of pentathionic acid; as, for example, a mixture of one molecule of H2S4O6 and one molecule of H2S6O6 would give the same analytical results as H2S5O6.