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Mercuropotassic White cheesy Same. iodide. precipitate. Iodized potassic An immediate A brown oil crystallizing iodide. precipitate of after a time. periodate. Mercuric chloride. Same as picric acid. Same. Tannic acid. Slight cloud. Cloud hardly visible. Platinum chloride. By A. JORISSEN.

If a few drops of corrosive sublimate be dropped on these crystals, a red spot will at once be produced by the formation of mercuric oxide.

The smallest will roast from 10 to 20 tons per diem. A good furnace should bring down the sulphur contents even of concentrates so as to be innocuous to mercuric amalgamation. The sulphur left in the ore should never be allowed to exceed two per cent.

This brings me to the consideration of a practice pursued by furriers for this purpose, and known as the sécretage or "carrotting" process; it consists in a treatment with a solution of mercuric nitrate in nitric acid, in order to improve the felting qualities of the fur. This acid mixture is brushed on to the fur, which is cut from the skin by a suitable sharp cutting or shearing machine.

In a flash he was Black Bill again and on his mettle, ready with the quick retort stung from him; and she, parrying his thrust, was at once Fluff, the mercuric. The spat was on . . . they would call it a spat to-morrow if to-morrow were kind to them . . . and Elmer's ranch and house and cow, horse and pigs were laughed to scorn. Florrie departed leaving her cruellest laughter to ring in his ears.

I attribute this freedom from sepsis to careful cleansing of the conjunctival sac and to other pre-operative precautions, but especially to the use, before and after the operation, of White's ointment a preparation of 1-3000 mercuric chloride in sterile vaseline.

Weigh out two portions of about 0.5 gram each into small porcelain crucibles. Proceed with the solution of the ore, treat the residue, if necessary, and reduce the iron by the addition of stannous chloride, followed by mercuric chloride, as described for the bichromate process on page 56.

Armstrong mentions recovery after ingestion of 1 1/2 drams of corrosive sublimate, and Lodge speaks of recovery after a dose containing 100 grains of the salt. It is said that a man swallowed 80 grains of mercuric chlorid in whiskey and water, and vomited violently about ten minutes afterward.

The object of calcining or roasting certain ores before treatment is to dissipate the sulphur or sulphides of arsenic, antimony, lead, etc., which are inimical to treatment, whether by ordinary mercuric amalgamation or lixiviation. The effect of the roasting is first to sublimate and drive off as fumes the sulphur and a proportion of the objectionable metals.

Other poisonous preparations are red precipitate, white precipitate, mercuric nitrate, the cyanide and potassio-mercuric iodide. Calomel has very little toxic action. Metallic mercury is not poisonous, but its vapour is. It is soluble in sixteen parts of cold and two of boiling water. Soluble in alcohol and ether, the latter also separating it from its solution in water. Symptoms come on rapidly.