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G. But you've just said you didn't see her face! Th. Dunnot aw know what th' face ov mo chylt be like, beout seem' ov it? Aw'm noan ov a lump-yed. Nobory as seigh her once wouldn't know her again. Col. He's a lunatic! I don't see what I can do for you, old fellow. Th. And aw met ha' known it beout axin'! O'reet!

Col. G. What story have you to tell the police then? They'll want to know. Th. Story saysto? The dule's i' th' mon! Didn't aw seigh th' mon 'at stealed her away goo into this heawse not mich over hauve an hour ago? Aw seigh him wi' mo own eighes. Col. G. Why didn't you speak to him? Th. He poppit in at th' same dur, and there aw've been a-watching ever since. Aw've not took my eighes off ov it.

Perhaps he's in the house. Did you leave the door open, sir? Tho. Nay. Th' dur wur oppen. Aw seigh sombory run eawt as aw coom oop. Col. G. My boy! my boy! It will kill him! Stop here till I come back. Tho. Aw connot stop. Aw'm tired enough, God knows, to stop anywheeres; mo yed goes reawnd and reawnd, an' aw'd fain lie mo deawn.

G. You've mistaken somebody for him. Th. Well, aw'm beawn to tell tho moore. Twothre days ago, aw seigh mo chylt coom eawt ov this same dur aw mane th' heawsedur, yon. Col. G. Are you sure of that? Th. Sure as death. Aw seigh her back. Col. G. Her back! Who could be sure of a back? Th. By th' maskins! dosto think I dunnot know mo Mattie's back? I seign her coom eawt o' that dur, aw tell tho! Col.

Weel, this kind o' wark was carried on for mair than a year; and a' that I could say or do, Margaret and him were never separate; till at last he drapped off comin' to the house, and our daughter did naething but seigh and greet. I found that, after bringing her to the point o' marriage, he either wadna or durstna fulfil his promise unless I wad pay into his loof a thousand pounds as her portion.

Aw connot seigh weel at neet, wi o' th' lamps; an afoor aw geet oop wi' her, hoo's reawnd th' nook, and gwon fro mo seet. Col. G. There are ten thousands girls in London you might take for your own under such circumstances not seeing more than the backs of them. Th. Ten theawsand girls like mo Mattie, saysto? wi'her greight eighes and her lung yure? Puh! Col.

Tell yor maister 'at Mattie's owd feyther's coom a' the gait fro Rachda to fot her whoam, and aw'll be much obleeged to him iv he'll let her goo beout lunger delay, for her mother wants her to whoam: hoo's but poorly. Tell yor maister that. Col. G. But I don't believe my master knows anything about her. Th. Aw're tellin' tho, aw seigh' th' mon goo into this heawse but a feow minutes agoo? Col.

Never you mind, daddy. It wur guv to me. James. That's what they allus says, sir. You come along. I'd be obliged to you, sir, if you would come too, and say you saw him. Tho. Nay! aw connot say aw seigh him steyle it. James. You saw it in his hand. Tho. Yigh! aw did. Bill. It wis guv to me, I tell ye. James. Honest boy, this one! Looks like it, don't he, sir?