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Yo mun knoa, that somehow ey wor unlucky enough last Yule to offend Mother Chattox, an ever sin then aw's gone wrang wi' me. Th' good-wife con never may butter come without stickin' a redhot poker into t' churn; and last week, when our brindlt sow farrowed, and had fifteen to t' litter, an' fine uns os ever yo seed, seign on um deed. Sad wark! sad wark, mesters.

G. You've mistaken somebody for him. Th. Well, aw'm beawn to tell tho moore. Twothre days ago, aw seigh mo chylt coom eawt ov this same dur aw mane th' heawsedur, yon. Col. G. Are you sure of that? Th. Sure as death. Aw seigh her back. Col. G. Her back! Who could be sure of a back? Th. By th' maskins! dosto think I dunnot know mo Mattie's back? I seign her coom eawt o' that dur, aw tell tho! Col.

'Which Cambell seign, though he could not salve, He done undoe, yet for to salve his name And purchase honour to his friend's behalve, This goodly counterfesaunce he did frame." Spenser's Faery Queen. 6 We cannot remember all God's benefits, but how prone we are to forget them all! Ed.

Meyer: Judicial Institutions of Europe. In recapitulation. What was feudalism? A confederation of the grand seign iors against the villeins, and against the king. What is constitutional government? A confederation of the bourgeoisie against the laborers, and against the king. How did feudalism end? In the union of the communes and the royal authority. How will the bourgeoisie aristocracy end?