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Here's an Irishman over here, as is dead as a door nail. He's goin' to be buried to-night, 'beout sunset, and I dun no but what I can git a chance for ye to hold forth a spell in the grove, jest afore they put him under greound". "Dead! the poor man dead! indeed!" exclaimed Mr. Norton. "Yis.

Hearn them horses rattling their chains, must ha' been for an hour." "That's stretching it some," laughed Tom. "That tree hasn't been toppled over an hour." "Huh! Ye can't tell me nothin' 'beout that!" declared Toby. "I was right here when it happened." "Goodness!" gasped Nan. "Yep. And lemme tell ye, I only jest 'scaped being knocked down when she fell." "My!" murmured Nan again.

"How far is it to Winthrop?" inquired Will blankly. "'Beout ten mile," responded the farmer, his eyes twinkling as he reined in his team. The boys both hastily leaped to the ground and the old farmer quickly spoke to his team and started on, leaving his recent passengers in such a frame of mind that they even forgot to thank him for his courtesy and kindness.

But they wonnot coot mo throat beout warnin'. Aw'll bother noan. Col. G. Is there anything I can do for you? Th. Nay, aw donnot know; but beout aw get somebory to help mo, aw dunnot think aw'll coom to th' end in haste. Aw're a lookin' for summut aw've lost, mou. Col. G. Did you come all the way from Lancashire to look for it? Th. Eh, lad! aw thowt thae'rt beawn to know wheer aw coom fro! Col.

I don't say but what if that 'ar' Langham girl sh'd have a r'al bad spall o' toothache come on, but what I'd let her take her, but I'd jest as soon she didn't know nothin' 'beout it. I'd ruther not make no openin' for a kile." We sucked our nervine lozenges with mutual earnestness. "You are getting on finely with the barn," I said, noticing several new rows of shingles on the roof.

"Oh, nothin'," replied Jim, passing his free arm carelessly round the girl's waist "othin', undly th' old story 'beout heow we'd best not merry, 'cause by'm-by thee'll git ter feelin' better nor me." "But thee don't believe him, Jim? Thee knows better. Thee knows," adding this with the sweet and sincere but often sadly mistaken humility of love "thee knows thou art better than me.

Ah bl-o-o-o-o-o-w, blow, blow!" sang Louis; and then, in another tone, "Sperm whale, sir; big, 'lone fish, headin' 'beout east-by-nothe." "All right. 'Way down from aloft," answered the skipper, who was already half-way up the main-rigging; and like squirrels we slipped out of our hoops and down the backstays, passing the skipper like a flash as he toiled upwards, bellowing orders as he went.

Well, 'beout a week ago, there was a confounded old crittur 'ut lives halfway from here to Chartham, that informed on' em. So they jes' collected together 'beout twenty fellers and mobbed him. And the old cuss fired into 'em and killed this 'ere man. So neow they've brought his body hum, and his wife's a poor shiftless thing, and she's been a hollerin' and screechin' ever sence she heerd of it".

"So I went eout and gunned one partridge and one old crow, 't had been ha'ntin' my corn patch ever senct I could remember, so 't he was jest as familiar tew me as the repair on the slack o' my britches, and I dressed 'em both, dreadful tasty an' slick they was jest 'beout the same size dressed an' rigged 'em eout esthetiky with some strips o' pink caliker; and 'long at the 'p'inted time the man he come deown arter 'em.

I' hoo be dead and gwoan, tell mo, sir, and aw'll goo whoam again, for mo oud lass be main lonesome beout mo, and we'll wait till we goo to her, for hoo winnot coom no moor to us. Col. G. For anything I know, your daughter is alive and well. Bring her here, I say, and I will make you happy. Th. Aw shannot want thes or thi silverings either to mak mo happy then, maister.