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He winnot joomp eawt ov th' window, dosto thenk, lad? Re-enter MRS. C. with wine. GER. drinks. Col. G. Why should he do that? Do you know anything about him? Tho. Aw do. Col. G. Has he seen you here? Tho. No. Aw're afeard he'd roon away, and aw keepet snoog. Col. G. I needn't ask who it is, then? Tho. Yo needn't, lad. Enter WATERFIELD. Tho. Mo conscience! he'll pike eawt afoor aw geet howd on him!

'It made no noise with its feet, and you called it a spirit, I explained hastily. 'Aa's feared o' nowt, said Geordie, 'that's livin', but when it comes to evil sperrits 'tis the Priest should tackle them. Aa winnot.

"Well, missis," said my friend, jocularly, "how are you? because, if you're ill, I've brought a doctor here." "Eh," replied she, "aw could be ill in a minute, if aw could afford, but these times winnot ston doctors' bills. Besides, aw never were partial to doctors' physic; it's kitchen physic at aw want. Han yo ony o' that mak' wi' yo?"

But aw'm seechin' nothin', man nor meawse, that donnot belung me. Aw tell yo true. Gie mo mo Mattie, and aw'll trouble yo no moor. Aw winnot if yo'll give mo back mo Mattie. Col. G. Yes. Th. Ov a pratty yung lass? Col. G. Well, no. I have but a son. Th. Then thae winnot help mo? Col. G. I shall be very glad to help you, if you will tell me how. Th.

"If she winnot take Mister Robin, the Lord knows what'll become of 'er!" sighed the worthy woman "For she's as lone i' the world as a thrush fallen out o' the nest before it's grown strong enough to fly!

I' hoo be dead and gwoan, tell mo, sir, and aw'll goo whoam again, for mo oud lass be main lonesome beout mo, and we'll wait till we goo to her, for hoo winnot coom no moor to us. Col. G. For anything I know, your daughter is alive and well. Bring her here, I say, and I will make you happy. Th. Aw shannot want thes or thi silverings either to mak mo happy then, maister.

Aw're a greight foo'! But aw're beawn to coom in: aw lung'd to goo through th' same dur wi' mo Mattie. Good day, sir. It be like maister, like mon! God's curse upon o' sich! Aw winnot say that; for mo Mattie's sake aw winnot say that. God forgie you! Col. G. This way, please! Th. Aw see. Aw'm not to have a chance ov seem' oather Mattie or th' mon. Exit. Col. G. resumes his boot absently.

She came on like a cork that is rushed down a gutter by a shower, only giving a roll and going yard-arm under as cross-seas hit her. At last she stopped. "Touched," said one of the men. But she rose again and lumbered yet a few yards forward. Then she beat herself heavily, and the next sea doubled clean over her. "We can't do nothin', chaps. The coble winnot get two yards till she's over."

"Why, what can be worse?" "Well, sir, we thinks we ain't got proofs to go on for Bessie keeps her own counsel but we thinks the passon hisself is the father of that there little thing he winnot lay in a holy grave!" "Good God!" cried Aubrey.