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With him I have cast in my lot, to live and die, and be buried by his side; and to him I go home contented, to look after his petty interests, cares, sorrows Petty, truly seeing that they include the whole primal mysteries of life Food, raiment, and work to earn them withal; love and marriage, birth and death, right doing and wrong doing, 'Schicksal und eigene Schuld; and all those commonplaces of humanity which in the eyes of a minute philosopher are most divine, because they are most commonplace catholic as the sunshine and the rain which come down from the Heavenly Father, alike upon the evil and the good.

His promise, in a letter of March 1, 1802, that if he should write a second 'Maid of Orleans', Goeschen should publish it, is only an author's playful 'jollying' of a friendly publisher. The Bride of Messina Das Leben ist der Gueter hoechstes nicht, Der Uebel groesztes aber ist die Schuld. 'The Bride of Messina'.

To one god in particular we may apply the Horatian maxim, "Nec deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus." In German aesthetic theory, the conception tragische Schuld "tragic guilt" plays a large part.

And, in fact, we find that it is the giants who bear the tragic "Schuld." Hamlet is not guilty; rather "one like ourselves," in Aristotle's phrase, and therefore he need not be great. I agree with Volkelt's view that even the traditional tremendous will of the tragic hero may be dispensed with. No doubt it is most often strength of will which brings out the original conflict.

It might not be the highest wisdom to trust everything to his new ally in this manner; but what else could he do, except stand by in forced inactivity while the momentous duel was being fought out? Just then, at all events, he saw no other course. Run to Earth "The is noon in this hous schuld bynde me this night." The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.

The death-motive will be noted at the words "fuer ungesuehnte Schuld." SCENE V. This is a scene of great pathos. Like Elektra when she recognizes Orestes, so Isolde, when left alone with the only friend who is true to her, throws aside all her haughty manner, forgets her wild thirst for revenge, and for a moment gives way to all the tenderness which is hidden under that fierce exterior.

Bulwer's translation of SCHILLER'S "Ideal." Beschoeftigung, die nie ermattet Die langsam schafft, doch nie zerstoert, Die zu dem Bau der Ewigkeiten Zwar Sandkorn nur, fuer Sandkorn reicht, Doch von der grossen Schuld der Zeiten Minute, Tage, Jahre streicht. Die Ideale SHILLER. The strength of Chopin was not sufficient for the execution of his intention.

Ihr führt ins Leben uns hinein; Ihr lässt den armen schuldig werden; Dann übergiebt Ihr ihm der Pein, Denn alle Schuld rächt sich auf Erden.