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Mon pere voyait qu'il ne pouvait ebranler sa resolution, fit ce qu'elle lui demanda, pourvoyant tant que possible aux besoins de la route, et c'est le coeur gros de sinistres presages que mes parents virent partir leur bonne et fidele servante. Quand je lui dis: "Tu ne nous aimes donc plus, puisque tu pars?" elle m'embrassa en pleurant, et dit, "Je reviendrai!"

"This is a real slick little garden-spot as ever I see, and a pootty house, and a real clever woman too. I'll be skwitched, ef it a'n't a fust-rate consarn, the hull on't. Be you ever a-goin' back to France, Mister?" "No, my goot friend. I have nobody there. I stay here; I have friend here: but there, oh, non! je ne reviendrai pas! ah, jamais! jamais!" "Pa's dead, eh? or shamming?

Beal gives, "In this place I have performed the last religious act of my earthly career;" Giles, "This is the last place I shall visit;" Remusat, "C'est un lieu ou je reviendrai bien longtemps apres ceci." Perhaps the "walk" to which Buddha referred had been for meditation. See the account of this legend in the note in M. B., pp. 235, 236, different, but not less absurd.

"Then must we lay hands on the papers before they reach Mayenne, and all is saved," M. Étienne declared cheerfully. "These fellows can't read a cipher. If the packet be not open, Monsieur?" "It was a span long, and half as wide; for all address, the letters St. Q. in the corner. It was tied with red cord and bore the seal of a flying falcon, and the motto, Je reviendrai." "What! the king's seal?

M. Étienne held up a packet for me to see, before Peyrot's shielding body; it was tied with red cord and sealed with a spread falcon over the tiny letters, Je reviendrai. In the corner was written very small, St. Q. Smiling, he put it into the breast of his doublet. "Monsieur," my scamp said to him with close lips that the room might not hear, "you are a gentleman.

Je reviendrai le plus vite que je pourrai sans hasarder ma sante. "J'ai loue un petit bateau hier avec lequel j'ai explore la riviere d'Amiens la Somme en haut de la ville. Il est impossible d'imaginer rien de plus pittoresque. Il y a une grande quantite de petites maisons et baraques au bord de l'eau et je vais prendre la le materiel d'une eau-forte.

"The Great Western!" What boundless ideas are suggested by this title, &c., &c. Well, never mind my reasons. I had made up my mind to go. That's enough. "Marlbrook s'en va t'en guerre," mais as MARLBROOK Junior I may say, "Je reviendrai." Politics to the winds! or, colloquially, Politics be blowed! I'm off to TOM TIDDLER'S ground. Nice fellow, TIDDLER. Knew him years ago.

"C'est pour la patrie... mon devoir... je reviendrai bientot... Courage, ma femme!" Courage! How many million times was the word spoken that night of mobilization by women who saw the sudden pallor of their men, by men who heard the cry of their women?