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No symptom of that terrible malady, well named by the ingenious Grimod de la Reynière remords d'estomac, but vulgarly called indigestion, follows my unusual indulgence in entrées and entremets, another delightful proof of the admirable skill of Monsieur Louis.

Bolingbroke's pencil-case was in it, and the following passage was marked: "Il y a un lieu sur la terre ou les joies pures sont inconnues; d'ou la politesse est exilee et fait place a l'egoisme, a la contradiction, aux injures a demivoilees; le remords et l'inquietude, furies infatigables, y tourmentent les habitans. Ce lieu est la maison de deux epoux qui ne peuvent ni s'estimer, ni s'aimer.

Or let us listen to the voice of Phèdre, when she learns that Hippolyte and Aricie love one another: Les a-t-on vus souvent se parler, se chercher? Dans le fond des forêts alloient-ils se cacher? Hélas! ils se voyaient avec pleine licence; Le ciel de leurs soupirs approuvait l'innocence; Ils suivaient sans remords leur penchant amoureux; Tous les jours se levaient clairs et sereins pour eux.

"I would ask nothing better," he told me, "than to put myself at the head of my regiment and to march my men through Paris, and to shoot down every Jew who lives in it. I would shoot them down like rabbits, 'sans rancune et sans remords." He flashed that strange furtive glance at me and took his walking-stick in both hands: "I have a dream," he went on, "it comes to me often.

It was of profligates with far greater advantages of education that some one said, ''Le remords nait de l'abandon, et non de la faute. The walls of Troy were strong then, and the Destroyer-of-ships safe behind them, 'getting herself up alarmingly' for his return. No wonder Menelaüs was eager for the duel: he was staking his loneliness against Paris's nine points of the law."

The list of her works runs as follows: 'Le Roman d'un Muet ; Un Divorce ; La Grande Sauliere ; Un remords ; Yette and Georgette ; Le Retour ; Tete folle ; Tony, ; Emancipee ; Constance ; Jacqueline . We need not enter into the merits of style and composition if we mention that 'Un remords, Tony, and Constance' were crowned by the French Academy, and 'Jacqueline' in 1893.