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CASERO. ¡De pagar a su casero, eh? DOÑA MATILDE. No digo eso, sino que aunque somos pobres somos personas de honor, y que.... CASERO. , , personas de honor sin dinero ... eso es lo que yo me temía ... y ésos son los peores inquilinos.

Pues, senor, the robbers surrounded the church; and oh, carambo! they dragged out the poor people men, women and children! Pues, senor; they kill the men: and the women: Dios de mi alma!" "Well, and the women?" "Oh, senor! they are all gone; they were carried to the mountains by the savages. Pobres mugeres!"

It appears as if the "teepan" had not been constructed previous to the middle of the 14th century, the meetings of the tribe being previously called together by priests, and probably in the open space around the main house of worship. VII, cap. II, cap. XVIII, pp. 156,159. Cap. Acosta first mentions "unos palacios, aunque harto pobres." XII, cap.

Carey's absence, had some difficulty in persuading the Hindoo converts that it was no shame, but a charitable work, to bear a brother's body to its last resting-place, even though they were seen doing the work of the despised pobres.

Like circulars may have been printed at the "Asilo de Malabon," as has been asserted; these certainly came from Hongkong and were not introduced by any archbishop's nephew on duty at the custom house, as another tale suggests. It may be of interest to reprint the handbill from a facsimile of an original copy: Pobres Frailes!

Presently, to the clangor of half a dozen huge bells, she sweeps in, accompanied by her madrina, or chief witness. They take station at the back between the baptismal fonts and just in front of the overhanging choir gallery. Instantly they are hemmed in, mobbed, by that swarm of pobres, some speculating on the motive of the match and its probable outcome.

May it be that everything has a soul and that this soul begs to be freed? Oh tierras de Alvargonzález, en el corazón de España, tierras pobres, tierras tristes, tan tristes que tienen alma! sings our poet Antonio Machado in his Campos de Castilla. Is the sadness of the field in the fields themselves or in us who look upon them? Do they not suffer?

DON EDUARDO. Dime, Matilde, ¿has entrado en muchas casas pobres? DOÑA MATILDE. En la de la vieja de la Alameda.... DON EDUARDO. Ya me lo sospechaba yo.... DOÑA MATILDE. Y además he leído mil descripciones muy verídicas, y por ellas.... DON EDUARDO. ¡Que se va el chocolate! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué dices? DON EDUARDO. Quítalo presto de la lumbre. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Ay! DON EDUARDO. ¿Te quemaste?

"Don Ricardo Don Ricardo!" at this crisis sung out Caspar, who had clambered up the rock, to have a peep about him "Ave Maria Alla son dos pobres, que peresquen pronto, si nosotros no pueden Hydros." "Whereabouts?" said Campana "whereabouts? speak, man, speak."

Que es occasion, que por esto supplicamos a vostra Alteza muy humilmente, que, pues que la potentissimo magestad del grand Sennor es seruida nos fauorescer por los dichos articulos, tambien sea seruida vostra Alteza assistimos en ellos, otorgandonos por vostra autoridad su auida y fauor, segun que esperamos, para que puedan estar libres, y boluer para aca aquellos pobres hombres ansi hechos esclauos, como dicho es.