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"Oh, senor, los Indios bravos! los Navajoes! carambo!" "But I am not going into the Indian country. I travel down the river, through the towns of New Mexico." "Ah! senor! the towns! no hay seguridad. No, no; there is safety nowhere from the Navajo. Hay novedades: news this very day. Polvidera; pobre polvidera! It was attacked on Sunday last. On Sunday, senor, when they were all en la misa.

Lopez, I have a better plan," he cried: "why did I not think of it before? It's not too late yet. Ha! ha! ha! Carambo! They shall dance upon their heads! That's better isn't it, Lopez?" "Yes, Captain." A cheer from the Jarochos announced their approval of this change in the programme. The padre made a sign to Lopez, who approached him, appearing to receive some directions.

"Carambo!" exclaimed the old don, as he left the room; "but it is fortunate you are here. We might all have been murdered in our beds." Francisco sent for the head men of the establishment, and told them what he was convinced they would have to expect; and he then explained to them his views.

I threw a cigar at the toreador. It was no good, but the toreador was a king. Good-night, compadre the blind, who begs." Again: "If I knew where it was I'd take a real. Carambo! No, I wouldn't. I'll ask him. I'll give him the new sword-stick that my cousin the Rurales gave me. He doesn't need it now he's not a bandit. I'm stuffed, and my head swims. It's the pulque. Sabe Dios!"

'Carambo! exclaimed the old Don, as he left the room; 'but it is fortunate you are here. We might all have been murdered in our beds. Francisco sent for the head men of the establishment, and told them what he was convinced they would have to expect; and he then explained to them his views.

I threw a cigar at the toreador. It was no good, but the toreador was a king. Good-night, compadre the blind, who begs." Again: "If I knew where it was I'd take a real. Carambo! No, I wouldn't. I'll ask him. I'll give him the new sword-stick that my cousin the Rurales gave me. He doesn't need it now he's not a bandit. I'm stuffed, and my head swims. It's the pulque. Sabe Dios!"

Carambo, that for you!" exclaimed the captain, looking at the small shrine of the saint at the bittacle, and snapping his fingers at the image; "that for you, you useless wretch, who never help us in our trouble. The pope must canonise some better saints for us, for all we have now are worn out.

Protect us, I pray you, from these ruffians." I bowed, and turning to the Spaniards, one of whom was an officer, spoke them fair; for my business was pressing, and I had no wish to be mixed up in a quarrel. "Caballeros," I said, "we do not make war on women. You will let these ladies go." "Carambo! We shall do nothing of the sort," returned the officer, insolently.

He suspected that he might have to deal with a desperate man. Vincenza leaned over the narrow table, and his breath blew hot in Ffrench's face as he hissed, "Carambo! What do you mean? How much do you know?" "I know everything.

"Carambo! carrajo! chingaro!" growls the cibolero, who well knows the meaning of those stakes and lines. We watch with a fearful interest the movements of the savages. We have now no longer any doubt of their intention to remain for several days. The stakes are soon erected, running for a hundred yards or more along the front of the encampment. The savages await the return of their hunters.