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Peter and Paul, she had seen the skies open, and Heaven was before her; she had heard the angels sing, as they passed in procession before God, sitting on a throne of precious stones. And among them she had seen her grandson, János Plachta, in a pretty red waistcoat which she herself had made him shortly before his death.

An' sar the gunnos, an' kavis, and covvas of the Rommanis were chivved and pordered kettenus 'pre the bor adree the cangry-puv, an' kek mush tooled 'em. So the rakli jalled with the plachta ta laki rye, and penned, "Dick what I kaired on those chuvvenny, chori Rommany chals that were nashered and pannied for adovo bitti covvo adoi!"

Mandy sutto'd I was pirraben lang o' tute, an' I dicked mandy's pen odoi 'pre the choomber. Then I was pirryin' ajaw parl the puvius, an' I welled to the panni paul' the Beng's Choomber, an' adoi I dicked some ranis, saw nango barrin' a pauno plachta 'pre lengis sherros, adree the panni pash their bukkos. An' I pookered lengis, "Mi-ranis, I putch tute's cammoben; I didn't jin tute sus acai."

But a long time ago one went away and got lost, and now there are only six; but they call them the Seven Whistlers. And that is like the story you told me of the Seven Stars. A Rommany rakli yeckorus jalled to a ker a-dukkerin'. A'ter she jalled avree, the rakli of the ker missered a plachta, and pookered the rye that the Rommany chi had chored it.