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A number of Torres Strait pigeons, chiefly young birds, and some stone-plovers and other waders, were shot, and one rare bird was obtained for the collection, a male of Pachycephala melanura. Soon after our return we got underweigh, passed on our right Rennel, Marsden, and Keat Islands, and anchored three miles to the northward of the last of these. December 10th.

View on the Morumbidgee River Junction of the supposed Darling with the Murray Palaeornis Melanura, or Black Tailed Paroquet Pomatorhinus Temporalis Pomatorhinus Superciliosus Chart of Cape Jervis, and Encounter Bay Mass of Fossils of the Tertiary Formation Bulla Conus Genus Unknown Chrystallized Selenite Selenite Single Fossils of the Tertiary Formation Introductory

Calyptorhynchus Banksii, VIG. and HORSF. Leachii xanthonotus, GOULD. Polytelis melanura. Platycercus Baueri, VIG. and HORSF. Barnardi, VIG. and HORSF. Adelaidiae, GOULD. flaveolus, GOULD. Psephotus multicolor. haematonotus, GOULD. Melopsittacus undulatus. Euphema aurantia, GOULD. elegans, GOULD. Pezoporus formosus.