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Anthus pallescens, VIG. and HORSF. Cincloramphus cantillans, GOULD. Petroica multicolor, SWAINS. phoenicea, GOULD. Goodenovii, JARD. AND SELB. rosea, GOULD. bicolor, SWAINS. Drymodes brunneopygia, GOULD. Zosterops dorsalis, VIG. and HORSF. Pardalotus punctatus, TEMM. striatus, TEMM. Dicaeum hirundinaceum Estrelda bella. temporalis.

The multicolor web perfecting press prints four or more colors at one revolution of the impression cylinder. To meet the demands of such an enormous consumption of paper as the modern press requires, it was necessary to invent other processes and to utilize more abundant and cheaper material for paper-making than those formerly employed.

Here, indeed, was the fairest field for the display of imagination in the endless combining of forms of novel beauty; the elements to enter into combination being, by a vast superiority, the most glorious which the earth could afford. In the multiform and multicolor of the flowers and the trees, he recognised the most direct and energetic efforts of Nature at physical loveliness.

"Well, that's different; that makes them suspects." The lieutenant seemed relieved. "We'll pump that pair out right away." When he got back to Tortha Karf's office, the Chief was awake, and doodling on his notepad with his multicolor pen. Vall looked at the pad and winced; the Chief was doodling bugs again red ants with black legs, and blue-and-green beetles.

In the multiform of the tree, and in the multicolor of the flower, he recognized the most direct and the most energetic efforts of Nature at physical loveliness.

In a screen-booth outside, Vall found Tortha Karf looking out of the screen; he was seated at his desk, fiddling with a gold multicolor pen. "Oh, Vall; something interesting has just come up." He spoke in a voice of forced calmness. "I can't go into it now, but you'll want to hear about it. I'm sending a car for you. Better bring Dalla along; she'll want in on it, too."

The warehouses had been pillaged and destroyed; the wharves covered with filth; in the fields not a vestige of the ancient villas remained. The ferocity of the barbarian tribes from the interior, their hatred for the Greeks of the coast, had incited them to even tear up the multicolor pavements and to scatter the fragments. The whole valley was an immense, desolated plain. Not a tree was standing.

Calyptorhynchus Banksii, VIG. and HORSF. Leachii xanthonotus, GOULD. Polytelis melanura. Platycercus Baueri, VIG. and HORSF. Barnardi, VIG. and HORSF. Adelaidiae, GOULD. flaveolus, GOULD. Psephotus multicolor. haematonotus, GOULD. Melopsittacus undulatus. Euphema aurantia, GOULD. elegans, GOULD. Pezoporus formosus.