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Plants, cultivated, more fertile than wild; Nageli, on natural selection in; male flowers of, mature before the female; phenomena of fertilisation in. Platalea, change of plumage in. Platyblemus. Platycercus, young of. Platyphyllum concavum. Platyrrhine monkeys. Platysma myoides. Plecostomus, head-tentacles of the males of a species of. Plecostomus barbatus, peculiar beard of the male.

At our last camp, I observed a Platycercus, of the size of the Moreton Bay Rosella, with blackfront, yellow shoulders, and sea-green body; the female had not the showy colours of the male, and the young ones were more speckled on the back. I believe it to be the Platycercus Brownii, GOULD. A black and white Ptilotis, the only stuffed specimen of which was taken by a kite almost out of Mr.

Salvin, O., inheritance of mutilated feathers; on the Humming-birds; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in Humming-birds; on Chamaepetes and Penelope; on Selasphorus platycercus; Pipra deliciosa; on Chasmorhynchus. Samoa Islands, beardlessness of the natives of. Sandhoppers, claspers of male. Sand-skipper.

Seemann, Dr., on the different appreciation of music by different peoples; on the effects of music. Seidlitz, on horns of reindeer. Selasphorus platycercus, acuminate first primary of the male. Selby, P.J., on the habits of the black and red grouse. Selection as applied to primeval man. Selection, double. Selection, injurious forms of, in civilised nations. Selection of male by female birds.