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In this account may be found further evidence in favour of Mr. Gomme's theory, to which attention has already been called. Anthrop. In the great continent of America there does not appear to have ever been, so far as our present knowledge teaches, any pigmy race. Dr.

In Palestine these stones are not found, though they occur in the neighbouring lands; and this is attributed by Major Conder to the zeal of the orthodox kings, who, we know from the Bible, destroyed all the monuments of idolatry in their territory. G. A. Gomme's Ethnology in Folklore many sacred wells are mentioned which are still, or were lately, frequented in England. St.

The more thorough-going of these itinerant apostles openly aimed at nothing less than the establishment of a new Christian Commonwealth, or, as they termed it, "the Kingdom of God on Earth." Einleitung, pp. 255, 256. Cf. Von Maurer's Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark-Verfassung; Gomme's Village Communities; Laveleye, La Propriété Primitive; Stubbs's Constitutional History; also Maine's works.

Gomme's Literature of Local Institutions, London, 1886, contains an extensive bibliography of the subject, with valuable critical notes and comments. Section 1. The County in its Beginnings. It is now time for us to treat of the county, and we may as well begin by considering its origin. In treating of the township we began by sketching it in its fullest development, as seen in New England.