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Longer accounts: Cambridge Modern History, Vol. V , ch. xii, xx, xxi, and Vol. VI , ch. vii- ix, xx; Histoire generale, Vol. V, ch. xix, Vol. VI, ch. xvi, and Vol. VII, ch. iv, v; Emile Bourgeois, Manuel historique de politique etrangere, 4th ed., Vol. I , ch. vi, xii, valuable for international relations of the Germanies; Bernhard Erdmannsdoerffer, Deutsche Geschichte, 1648-1740, 2 vols.

With special reference to the career of Charles III of Spain: Joseph Addison, Charles III of Spain ; M. A. S. Hume, Spain, its Greatness and Decay, 1479-1788 , ch. xiv, xv; Francois Rousseau, Regne de Charles III d'Espagne, 1759- 1788, 2 vols. , the best and most exhaustive work on the subject; Gustav Diercks, Geschichte Spaniens von der fruhesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart, 2 vols.

In Germany the standard work of reference is the third edition of Glasenopp, in six volumes, four of which are now in print. Other German writers are Porges, Wolzogen, Pohl, Nohl, Tappert, Chamberlain, &c. The best histories of Modern Music in general are Langhaus's larger work and Riemann's "Geschichte der Musik seit Beethoven."

On Alfonso's death soon afterwards the war was renewed, for James then united the Sicilian and Aragonese thrones and would not yield up either. It was not until 1295 that Boniface VIII., a stronger pope than Nicholas, ended the struggle on terms which left the stubborn Aragonese masters of Sicily. For his policy, see O. Schiff, Studien zur Geschichte P. Nikolaus IV. .

J. H. Smith, The troubadours at Home, 2 vols., New York, 1899; popularises scientific knowledge by impressions of travel in Southern France, photographs, and historical imagination: generally stimulating and suggestive, Most histories of French literature devote some space to Provençal; e.g. Suchier & Birch-Hirschfeld, Geschichte der französischen Litteratur, Leipsic, 1900.

H. MAYNADIER, The Arthur of the English Poets, Boston and New York, 1907. G. PARIS, Histoire littéraire de la France, Paris, 1888. J. RHYS, Studies in the Arthurian Legend, Oxford, 1891. W.H. SCHOFIELD, English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, New York and London, 1906. B. TEN BRINK, Geschichte der Englischen Literatur, and ed., A Brandl, Strassburg, 1899.

See also A. Wolf and Hans von Zwiedineck-Suedenhorst, Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia . THE RISE OF PRUSSIA. History of All Nations, Vol. I , from earliest times through the Thirty Years' War, by the late general director of the Prussian State Archives, an eminent authority on the history of his country; J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, 14 vols.

Many of the more important works written during the period are reprinted in the Tractatus Universi Juris, vols. vi. and vii. The appendix to the first chapter of Reseller's Geschichte also contains a valuable account of certain typical writers, especially of Langenstein and Henricus de Hoyta.

It was not a religion, for it had neither any historical root nor any belief and practice definite enough for the guidance of the common people. Yet Christianity could not have conquered the world without it. E. Meyer, Geschichte des Alterthums, vol. ii., contains the first attempt to deal with Greek religion in the manner now required. The Histories of Greece of Grote, Curtius, Abbott, and Holm.

Blankenburg, the author of the treatise on the novel to which reference has been made, was regarded by contemporary and subsequent criticism as an imitator of Sterne in his oddly titled novelBeyträge zur Geschichte des teutschen Reiches und teutscher Sitten,” although the general tenor of his essay, in reasonableness and balance, seemed to promise a more independent, a