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These spirits have created themselves, and have existed ab immemorabili. The sun, which is a female, and the moon, her husband, are secondary deities. Anthrop. Anthrop. Following the Negritos east amongst the islands, we find in Luzon the Aetas or Inagtas, a group of which is known in Mindanao as Manamouas. The Aetas live side by side with the Tagals, who are of Malay origin.

A woman working in her garden heard a voice from the fruit of a gourd asking for some food, and when she pulled up an arum or dug out a yam, another still remained; but when she listened to another spirit's panpipes, the first in his jealousy conveyed away garden and all." Anthrop. The little people may have their habitation in forests or trees.

Whatever had an idea had a soul." Cf. Grimm, "Teut. Myth." p. 962, quoting Harry, "Nieders. Sagen"; Jahn, p. 228, quoting Temme. Many mounds in England, now crowned by churches, have been conjectured to be old Celtic temples. See an able paper by Mr. T. W. Shore on "Characteristic Survivals of the Celts in Hampshire," Journ. Anthrop. Inst., vol. xx. p. 9. Mont St.

In this account may be found further evidence in favour of Mr. Gomme's theory, to which attention has already been called. Anthrop. In the great continent of America there does not appear to have ever been, so far as our present knowledge teaches, any pigmy race. Dr.

Mason, op. cit. p. 24. Cont. North American Ethnology, Vol. III, p. 167. Mrs. Bishop, Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, cited by H. Ellis, op. cit., p. 6. Jour. Anthrop. Inst., Vol. I, p. 190. “Magic Songs of the Finns,” Folk-lore, Mar. 1892. It would be easy to go on almost indefinitely multiplying examples of the industries of primitive women.

They were little men, and very dark-skinned, and one of them had his face and bust painted red, while the other was painted black. Whether these were gods or men our fathers did not tell us, but it was they who taught our people the Nanga. Anthrop. Arch. f. The little people make their dwellings either in the interior of a stone or amongst stones.

Even if we grant that the stature of the early races did not average more than five feet two inches, which, by the way, was the height of the great Napoleon, it is more than doubtful whether it fell so far short of that of succeeding races as to cause us to imagine that it gave rise to tales about a race of dwarfs. Anthrop.

When so summoned, the Kurumba must pass the night by the dolmens alone, and I have seen one who had been called from his present dwelling for the morning ceremony, sitting after dark on the capstone of a dolmen, with heels and hams drawn together and chin on knees, looking like some huge ghostly fowl perched on the mysterious stone." Mr. Anthrop.

There can, however, be no doubt that changed conditions induce an almost indefinite amount of fluctuating variability, by which the whole organisation is rendered in some degree plastic. In the United States, above 1,000,000 soldiers, who served in the late war, were measured, and the States in which they were born and reared were recorded. 'Investigations in Military and Anthrop.

Thorpe, vol. ii. p. 128, from Thiele, "Danmark's Folkesagn"; Keightley, p. 506. Waldron, p. 28. "Mélusine," vol. i. p. 446; Radloff, vol. i. p. 78; Bladé, vol. i. p. 161; Cosquin, vol. ii. p. 10; Cavallius, p. 281; "Revue des Trad. Pop." vol. iv. p. 222. Journal of Anthrop. Inst. vol. x. p. 282; Shortland, p. 150; "Kalewala," rune xvi. l. 293. Gill, p. 172.