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Savvy?" "All light. You givee me gun, I shootee wolf plenty. Makee go 'ki-yi' and lun belly fast." Song went away with a grin on his face like a crack in a piece of stale cheese. "Stella, you've solved it. I believe whoever put that message there heard our conversation, and at least they'll hate us a bit worse than before, if that is possible." "Let them bark, the wolves.

"Hip hi!" yelled Hop, as he ran for the mouth of the cave. But the outlaw was just mad enough to run and catch him before he got to the curtain. "Here," said Hop, "me givee you lis. Allee samee diamond ling inside. Lettee poor Chinee go!" It was one of the oblong, little packages that he handed to the man, and, letting the mouse drop, he took it and walked back to those in the big cave.

The brother gave earnest thanks for deliverance, but Lam thought that the same magic should give him back the six hundred pieces of silver that had gone into the sea. "My savee plenty Lord helpee you," said he. "Allee samee, him hell to live when poor. Him Lord catchee Chile money, my givee fitty dolla churchee." He sighed despairingly, and fed more cocoa-husks to his make-shift oven.

"Me lun backee takee him safee," the younger of the Eastern adventurers went on, pointing to his father. "Then me makee walkee all alonk you, takee you back same placee you comee from. Little white devils waitee for you on ce load. You comee with? Not? Lillee girlee not cly. John givee her one piecee pletty-pletty. Come makee talkee with the House Lady."

Well, I never yet chucked dice with a Chinee; but blamed if I don't do it jest this once. What's it goin' ter be, fur all hands?" "Lat light; allee samee all hands gittee lillee dlink. If me lose me pay; if you lose you allee samee givee um dlinks." "Good!" The saloon keeper brought out the dice, and, shaking them in the leather box, rolled them out. "There yer are!" he said, exultantly.

"Me bettee you hundled dollee you gottee um jack of hearts in you bootleg, so be!" "What!" cried Roche, as he looked down at his feet. "Do you mean that, you heathen?" "Me allee samee meanee," was the reply. "Me wantee givee you chancee to gittee square, so be." The villain had a hundred dollars out in a hurry. "There you are!" he exclaimed. "Cover that!"

"Him no sabbey," he exclaimed, pointing down to the still prostrate Pedro, who, now that the Chinaman's grip had been released from his throat, began to show signs of returning life, "what me can do. Him more wanchee, Ching Wang plenty givee chop chop!"

She tellee me no callee for one week." "Then that's all right; the lady has died very suddenly, and the gentleman gone away; you will have to keep the clothes a long time." "Me wantee money, no wantee clo'!" "I'll pay you for them; I don't care about them being ironed." "Givee tickee, givee clo'! No givee tickee, no givee clo'!" This was a poser!

"No good," said Ah Fe stolidly. "Hop Li, he givee this" he indicated the envelope in his sleeve "to next Chinaman. HE no go. S'pose you go with me, Hop Li you no makee nothing allee same, makee foolee!" "I know; but you just take me there. The young girl was irresistible. Ah Fe's face relaxed. "Allee litee!" he said, with a resigned smile. "You wait here a moment," said Cissy, brightening.

"The fellow who posted this notice was disguised in a wolfskin so that he could sneak up to the house unnoticed by the Chinaman, or, if seen, he would make a bluff at scaring Song." "Stella, you're a wonder." "Say, Song, you no likee wolf?" "No, me plenty flaid wolf," answered the Chinaman, shaking his head violently. "All right, Song. I givee you shotgun. Next time you see wolf, plenty shoot.