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Ching shook his head till his black tail quivered, and closed his eyes in a tight smile. "Ching interpleter," he said, with a cunning look. "Ching know evelyting 'bout Chinaman. Talkee Chinee talkee Inglis velly nicee." "But talking English velly nicee doesn't make you understand about the pirates." "Yes; know velly much allee 'bout pilate," he said. "Velly bad men velly stupid, allee same.

"He not say who he is," answered Popo; "but by-and-by perhaps talkee more." "Well, we must wait patiently," said the commander. "Ask him if he has any objection to accompany us; and if he is ready to come we will take you and him into the gig, while we tow the canoe astern."

We stood aside to let them pass. At all events, he turned upon me the light of a countenance, broad, yellow, and effulgent as the harvest moon of pastoral poetry; and, like a silver clarion, rung the accents of that unknown tongue: "Ah-pang-sen-lo! Missa Collin! sen-lo! Tlee-po' week, me plully liah, all li; nek time, you plully liah, all li! Missa Smyte talkee you bimeby! Hak-i-long-see-ho!

A slight laugh that to the children seemed demoniacal, followed. "See," said Wan Lee, "Evil Spillet be likee Chinee, try talkee him." The Pirates looked at Wan Lee not without a certain envy of this manifest favouritism.

The mulatto said he was the steward, and one of the blacks, with a low bow, introduced himself as the cook. "Me talkee English, massa, well as French, and me cookee anyting dat buckra officer like to order," he said, with a grimace which made the midshipman laugh. "By-the-bye, before we part company with the corvette, we may as well ascertain what Sambo here has got to cook," said Oliver.

"You two belay talkin' and snappin' at each other," commanded Mr. Gibney, "an' leave all bargainin' to me. This boy is all right and we'll get along first rate if you two just haul ship and do somethin' useful besides buttin' in on your superior officer. Come along, Tabu-Tabu. Makee little eat down in cabin. You talkee captain."

"I'll try," I said. "Keep velly close," whispered Ching. "No takee notice. No talkee closs. Ching speakee." He said something in Chinese to the men, and led us in single file between the two most fierce-looking, our prompt action taking them somewhat by surprise, and, as we gave them no excuse for taking offence, they only turned to gaze after us.

Bangs was startled out of his fidgets by the husky voice of Little Cherry Blossom calling the name which was in his mind at the moment. "Jethro," wheezed Little Cherry Blossom. "Jethro. Some one heree wantee talkee Jethro." Martha Phipps, sitting next to Galusha, stirred and uttered an impatient exclamation under her breath.

"Come long quickee," he whispered excitedly. "Very big blave that fellow. Killee fightee man. You no 'flaid of him?" "Afraid? No," said Barkins shortly. "There, let's have this tea." Ching glanced round once, and we were about to imitate his example, but he said excitedly "No, no, don't lookee. Big blave talkee talkee soldier, and tink Inglis offlicer 'flaid. Walkee past."

Plenty time lockee up Missy topside house; no can walkee no can talkee no hab got how can get? must washee washee allee same Chinaman. Ole man go dead Missy all lightee now. Plenty fun. Plenty stay in Blown's big house, top-side hill; Blown first-chop man." Had he inquired he might have found this pagan testimony, for once, corroborated by the Christian neighbors.