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Jack scrambled out, but in trying to stand upright gave a sharp exclamation of pain. Percy crawled out more slowly; he tried to stand up, but could not. The Chinaman caught him up and threw him on his shoulder. "Come along quickee," he said to Jack; "if takee village, kill evely one." He set off at a run.

"Ching see now," peng, peng, peng "bad men with swords," pang, peng "look velly closs," pang, pong "wantee fightee," pang, pang "you no wantee fightee," pung, pung. "No," I whispered anxiously; "let's go at once." "No takee notice," pang, peng, peng. "All flee, walkee walkee round one sidee house," pang, pong "Ching go long other sidee," peng, peng.

Here it is to be observed that all those natives, as also those of Africa when they learn English, always add two e's at the end of the words where we use one; and they place the accent upon them, as makee, takee, and the like; nay, I could hardly make Friday leave it off, though at last he did. And now I name the poor fellow once more, I must take my last leave of him. Poor honest Friday!

Then I found that the officers were all in tweeds, with yachting or shooting caps; the bulk of the crew below, and my twenty men and lads all carefully got up with painted heads and pigtails complete, under the charge of Ching, who was bustling about importantly, and he came to me at once and began whispering "Captain say, Ching takee care allee men, and show himself evelywhere."

He say, 'God damn thief! catchee flowty dollar: come to jailee. Me no takee back. You leavee money topside blulow, Fiddletown. Me fetchee money you. Me no takee back." Mrs. Tretherick hesitated. In the confusion of her flight, she MIGHT have left the money in the manner he had said. In any event, she had no right to jeopardize this honest Chinaman's safety by refusing it.

The Ever Victorious Army, excited by the absence of its pay, and worked upon by the exhortations of its chief, was on the point of mutiny, and Burgevine hastened to Shanghai to obtain by force rather than persuasion the arrears. On 4th January 1863 he saw Takee, a violent scene ensued, and Burgevine used violence.

If there was anything that the Chinaman liked it was to do something that met with the approval of Young Wild West. After he had once got it into his head that he wanted to go Hop grew very restless. Finally he turned to the cook and said: "Me go takee lillee walk thlough um pass, so be, my blother." "Misler Wild say you, allee samee stay here, so be," was the reply. "Lat allee light.

"I say, Ching," I cried, striking an attitude, "take us where you can give us a tune, `Ti ope I ow." "Yes; velly nicee music," he said, nodding and smiling. "Ching takee see something velly good. You leady?" "In five minutes," cried Barkins. "Gnat, go and tell them to have the boat ready. Mr Reardon said we were to be rowed ashore."

In this task they made considerable progress, and with a view to making it popular with the Chinese, and also to give the men confidence, this new force was named, probably by Takee, the Chun Chen Chün or Ever Victorious Army.

"I should like to have you, Chi," she said, thoughtfully, "but I am afraid it would be hardly fair to you, for I haven't a great deal of money, and I shall have to be very economical." Chi Lu's little round black eyes flashed at this. "<i>He</i> takee monee too?" he demanded, with contemptuous emphasis on the pronoun. Virgie flushed.