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One regrets, however, that its best points were previously used in Schumann's perfect folk-song, "Wenn ich früh in den Garten geh'." Chadwick has two folk-songs of his own, however, which are superb. "He Loves Me" is a tender, cradle-song-like bit of delicious color. The "Lullaby" is a genuinely interesting study in this overworked form.

The window was open and his voice floated over the moonlit gardens; Du liebes Kind, komm' geh mit mir! Gar schoene Spiele spiel' ich mit dir. Suddenly it seemed to Glory that two women sprang into life in her one who loved John Storm and wished to live and work beside him, the other who loved the world and felt that she could never give it up.

Des Moines, Iowa, or Camden, New Jersey, would present quite as festive a spectacle, he thinks, as he gazes up at the sepulchral shadows on the gigantic Opernhaus before him. He cannot understand the nocturnal solitude of the streets. There is actual desolation about him. A chlorotic girl, her cheeks unskilfully painted, brushes up to him with a careless "Geh Rudl, gib ma a Spreitzn."

"SAG''MAL KLEINER will you come again?" she broke the silence. "What's your name?" he asked evasively, and put the cup down on the table. "Oh ... just ask for Luise," she said. On her tongue, the name had three long-drawn syllables, and there was a v before the i. She was nettled by his laugh. "What's wrong with it?" she asked. "GEH', KLEINER, SEI NETT! won't you come again?" "Perhaps."

InWill auch ’n Genie werdenthe poet steps out more unmistakably as an adversary of the movement and as a skeptical observer of the exercise of Yorick-like sympathy. “Doch, ich Patronus, merkt das wohl, Geh, im zerrissnen Kittel, Hab’ aber alle Taschen voll Yorickischer Capittel.

Everything around was hushed, and there was no sound anywhere except the far-off rumble of the great city, as of the wind in distant trees. She was thinking of a question which Drake had put to her. "I wonder if I should?" she murmured. And through the silence there was the unheard melody of the German song: Du liebes Kind, komm' geh' mit mir! Gar schoene Spiele spiel' ich mit dir.

"Geigermann knows a good garment when he sees it, but his customers don't; and if Geigermann could get, for a dollar less than ours, garments which looks like ours and is like ours, all but the buttons and the pleats in the skirt, we could kiss ourselves good-by with the business, no matter how many bright greenhorns we got it in our cutting room." "Geh weg!" Morris exclaimed.

What a mixture of voices, of gutturals and spluttering and yeekings and chatterings, combined with pursing of lips, eyebrow-twistings, bugging eyes, whiskers and long hair, and common hand signs of distress or delight or urgency or decisiveness: Nitchevo, bonny braw, tres bien, khorashaw, finish, oi soiy, beaucoup, cheerio, spitzka, mozhnya barishna, c'mon kid, parlezvous, douse th' glim, yah ocean, dobra czechinski, amia spigetam, ei geh ha wa yang wa, lubloo, howse th' chow, pardonne, pawrdun, scuse, eesveneets, all these and more too, strike the ear of memory as we tread again the board sidewalks of far off smelly Archangel.

"Geh weg, you fool!" Morris exclaimed angrily. "Why should a millionaire concern like Mandelberger Brothers & Company got to fail? You talk like a lunatic." Once more Abe seized his hat. "I got enough of your nonsense, Mawruss," he said, starting for the elevator. "Wait!" Morris cried, grabbing him by the arm. "Did you ship any goods to Felix Geigermann yet?" "Felix Geigermann?" Abe repeated.

Je suis un inventeur Anglais. Mon nom est Butteridge. Beh. oo. teh. teh. eh. arr. I. deh. geh. eh. J'avais ici pour vendre le secret de le flying-machine. Comprenez? Vendre pour l'argent tout suite, l'argent en main. Comprenez? C'est le machine a jouer dans l'air. Comprenez? C'est le machine a faire l'oiseau. Comprenez? Balancer? Oui, exactement! Battir l'oiseau en fait, a son propre jeu.