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"Then why ?" "But liebes Fraulein, he still continues to have birthdays," she said, staring at me in real surprise, while I stared back at her in at least equally real surprise. "Every year," she said, "the day comes round on which Papa was born. Shall he, then, merely because he is with God, not have it celebrated? And what would people think if I did not? They would think I had no heart."

And that was the end of the matter, for the word spread about that Herr Allitsen had arrived, and every one turned out to give the two guests greeting. Frau Steinhart smothered Bernardine with motherly tenderness, and whispered in her ear: "You are betrothed now, liebes Fräulein? Ach, I am sure of it."

Whereupon the shortest creature that ever bore so lengthy a name, a dwarf not more than four feet high, wearing a frock coat and bright yellow gloves, entered the room, and crossing it at a sort of trot fell on his knees by the side of Madame Brandt's chair. "Ah! Carissima, je vous vois enfin, Ach liebes Herz! Que j'ai envie de pleurer!"

Emma Bergmann across the table raised a careworn face from her two lines of large neat lettering and caught her eye. She put up her hands on either side of her mouth as if for shouting. "Hendchen," she articulated silently, in her curious lipless way, "mein liebes, liebes, Hendchen."

Franz might have his vague perceptions. "Ach! Ach!" he had ejaculated once or twice while she spoke. And Frau Lippheim had only said: "Liebes Kind! Liebes, armes Kind!" She was, after all, going back to the great Tante and they felt, no doubt, that no grief could be ultimate which had that compensatory refuge. She was going back to Tante.

The German governess, chosen by Mrs. Mohun, was very German indeed, and greatly occupied in her own studies. When she found that the armes- liebes Madchen shrank from being wept over and caressed on the mournful return, she decided that the English had no feeling, and acquiesced in the routine of lessons and expeditions to classes.

And how grand to hear him speak, even though his broken English continually became more vernacular. 'Liebes Herrschaft, he began, 'I would, nobles, gentry, and ladies say. You here see the embalmed rests of the celebrated monarch Nic-nac- ci-no. Lately up have I them graben, and likewise his tutelar Sphynx have found, and have even to give signs of animation compelled.

His life was one long truceless war. He once said to Edouard Schuré: "The only time I ever went to sea, I barely escaped shipwreck. Should I go to America, I am sure the Atlantic would receive me with a cyclone." Wagner's first love was his mother. In fact, Praeger, his Boswell, said: "I verily believe that he never loved any one else so deeply as his liebes Mütterchen."

The expression on his face was absurdly like that of a mother yearning over a sick child. "Mein liebes Kind mein liebes Kind," he stammered when she came out, so woebegone, so crushed, so utterly unlike any Priscilla of any one of her moods that he had ever seen before.

There's a fat German Countess, who always calls Jock her liebes Kind, and comes floundering after him, to his very great disgust. The only things they have to show they are human still, and not frogs, are little boards floating before them with their pocket-handkerchiefs and coffee-cups and newspapers." "Oh! like the little blacks in the dear bright bays at San Ildefonso," cried Elvira.