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"Ah, Bess, my covess, strike me blind if my sees don't tout your bingo muns in spite of the darkmans. Egad, you carry a bane blink aloft. Come to the ken alone no! my blowen; did not I tell you I should bring a pater cove, to chop up the whiners for Dawson?" "Stubble it, you ben, you deserve to cly the jerk for your patter; come in, and be d d to you."

Shrig with his placid smile, "I vere a champion buzman, ah! and a prime rook at queering the gulls, too, but I ewentually turned honest all along of a flash, morning-sneak covess as got 'erself conwerted." "What do you mean by a morning-sneak covess?" "I means a area-sneak, sir, as vorks werry early in the morning.

"Ah, Bess, my covess, strike me blind if my sees don't tout your bingo muns in spite of the darkmans. Egad, you carry a bane blink aloft. Come to the ken alone no! my blowen; did not I tell you I should bring a pater cove, to chop up the whiners for Dawson?" "Stubble it, you ben, you deserve to cly the jerk for your patter; come in, and be d d to you."

Vell, all at once I'll spot a cove or covess vith vot I calls a capital mug, I'll follow that cove or covess, and by 'ook or by crook I'll find out that there cove or covess's name, and down it goes in my little book, d' ye see?" and he tapped the little book. "But surely," said Barnabas, "surely they don't all prove to be murderers?"

O' course, there's many a promisin' murderer died afore 'e could do the deed, death 'as no more respect for vould-be murderers than for their wictims. But whenever I sees a cove or covess with the true murderer's face, down goes that cove or covess' name in my little reader, an' I vatches an' vaits for 'em to bring it off, werry patient."