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I wad fain hae a try. Ye ken a' aboot it wi' that grannie o' yours: hoo's a body to begin? 'By giein' up the drink, man. 'Ay ay ay I reckon ye're richt. Weel, I'll think aboot it whan ance I'm throu wi' this job. That'll be neist ook, or thereabouts, or aiblins twa days efter. I'll hae some leiser than.

Take me somewheres and give me somethin' ginger tea or or kerosene or anything else, so it's hot. I I'm sho oo ook all to pi ic ces." They led him to the kitchen, where Thankful prepared the ginger tea. During its preparation she managed to inform Emily concerning the identity of their unexpected lodger.

Fancy 'is forgettin' all abaht it, like thet! She was really quite indignant; though, as she had distinctly refused Jim's offer, it was rather hard to see why. ''E said 'e'd wite for me ahtside the doors; I wonder if 'e's there. I'll go an' see if 'e is, see if I don't an' then if 'e's there, I'll go in on my own 'ook, jist ter spite 'im!

I doobt I doobt it winna be to you he'll gang at the lang last. There winna be room for him aside ye in Awbrahawm's boasom. And syne to behave sae ill to that winsome wife o' his! I dinna wonner 'at ye maun be up! Eh na! But, sir, sin ye are up, I wish ye wad speyk to John Thamson no to tak aff the day 'at I was awa' last ook, for 'deed I was verra unweel, and bude to keep my bed.

Do you mind telling me who the gentleman is the real gentleman you think of taking up with?" Gammon could not strike a really ungenerous note. He had meant to be severe, but did not get beyond sly banter. "She's a cat for showing it to you!" replied Miss Sparkes. "That was wrote before we you know what. It was after you'd took your 'ook that Sunday on the Embankment. I didn't mean it.

And what right 'ad you to arst 'er to darnce, you lop-eared rabbit?" interrupted the larrikin, raising his voice as he warmed to his subject. "I brought 'er 'ere. I paid the shillin'. Now then, you take your 'ook," he went on, pointing sternly to the door, and talking as he would to a disobedient dog. "Go on, now. Take your 'ook." The Englishman said nothing, but his jaw set ominously.

I'm goin' t' jab ye on th' beak t' begin with, then I'll 'ook my left t' your kidneys an' swing my right to your p'int an' crumple ye up with a jolt on your perishin' solar plexus as 'll stiffen you till th' day o' doom!" "'Oly angels!" murmured Mr. Brimberly, glancing hastily about. "Then while you lay bathed in 'orrible gore, I'm goin' t' twist them whiskers into a 'angman's knot!"

Why, I'd a been making a fool of myself three years ago if 'e 'adn't been good-natured enough to call one afternoon when I was out, and 'ook it off with two pounds eight in the best teapot that I 'ad been soft enough to talk to 'im about: and never let me set eyes on 'im again. God bless 'im!

As she crossed the bridge, she seemed much pleased by the running of the water beneath her feet, and saying, "Please let Dolly 'ook," in her pretty broken tones, she pushed her doll through the rustic work, holding it by its sash. But, alas! the doll was heavy, and the sash insecurely fastened. It gave way, and the doll plunged into the stream.

"He's a big, tall, 'andsome man, with a 'ook nose an' a great cut on the bridge of it all down 'is left cheek. You'll be sure to know 'im. But how will you stop 'im?" "That is more than I can tell at present, my dear," replied Pax, with a careworn look, "but I'll hatch a plot of some sort durin' the lecture.