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"We'll soon know now," said Charley, as the dogs swung in from the bay ice and up the incline toward the cabin. Toby's dogs had been standing in the background growling ominously as they watched the approach of the strange team. Now, as one dog, they moved to the attack and as the two packs came together there was a mass of snapping, snarling, howling dogs.

"Get away, I say." "Get away, . . . you're bragging!" "Two weeks, that's all!" Suddenly our baker became enraged, and he raised the shovel against the soldier. The soldier stepped back, surprised, kept silent for awhile, and, saying ominously, in a low voice: "Very well, then!" he left us. During the dispute we were all silent, interested in the result.

The disappearance of Adrian Cantemir was not spoken of as if 'twere a matter of too small import; and yet he hovered ominously in their minds; and Katherine most of all desired to forget her promise and every word she had spoken to him, and Constance understood and would not let her forget, planning night and day to bring them together again....

The bullet whined off the sphere as if it were steel. Pember jerked his head in despair. Angrily he fired again. His tin hat slid to one side of his head at a rakish angle. "You spawn of hell!" he cried. Pember lowered his gun. The sphere pulsed ominously. Then the doughboy charged. Beneath the brim of his helmet Pember's jaws were set.

He was spoken of through clenched teeth as "the blood sucker." Children were ominously reproved by the threatening use of the word Blithers. "Blithers will get you if you don't wash your face," and all that sort of thing.

It was the language of the house itself that spoke to him, writing out for him, with surpassing breadth and freedom, the associations and conceptions, the ideals and possibilities of the mistress. Never, he flattered himself, had he seen anything so gregariously ugly operatively, ominously so cruel.

Leave men are seen reluctantly returning in at the night-gate; the dull tramp of the sentinel within sounds ominously on the still air; and the chilly atmosphere steals into the system. Again the stranger pauses, as if questioning the safety of his position. Suddenly a low moan grates upon his ear, he starts back, then listens. Again it rises, in a sad wail, and pierces his very heart.

"He's asked us all of us, and we're five up to visit him at Pymeut, the first village above us here." Mac took up a knife to cut the bacon. "And good gracious! why, I forgot the grouse; they can have the grouse!" "No, they can't," said Mac firmly; "they're lucky to get bacon." The Boy's face darkened ominously. When he looked like that the elder men found it was "healthiest to give him his head."

His eyes glittered ominously. "What news?" asked the king. Fouquet placed a roll of papers on the table. "Let your majesty have the goodness to cast your eyes over this work," said he. The king slowly unfolded the paper. "Plans?" said he. "Yes, sire." "And what are these plans?" "A new fortification, sire."

When I was speaking and denouncing the rude interruptions of the eventful Thursday night, he shook his head ominously and in contradiction though manifestations which came from Liberal and Irish Benches showed that he stood alone in his view of the events of that night.