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But the grumblers are of two sorts, the healthful-toned and the whiners. There are makers of beer who substitute for the clean bitter of the hops some deleterious drug, and then seek to hide the fraud by some cloying sweet.

But before you see her I want to explain that she is a little well, peculiar. You may find that she " "I shan't pay no attention," replied Melvina indifferently. "I've seen all sorts fretters, groaners, whiners, scolders; they're all one to me. So you needn't give yourself any uneasiness."

Much more likely it is because there are so few people really poor, that the whiners are not enough to keep each other in countenance. The people on the barge were delighted to hear that I admired their state. They understood perfectly well, they told me, how Monsieur envied them.

"I tells you I vent first to Mother Bussblone's, who, I knows, chops the whiners morning and evening to the young ladies, and I axes there for a Bible; and she says, says she, 'I' as only a "Companion to the Halter," but you'll get a Bible, I think, at Master Talkins', the cobbler as preaches. So I goes to Master Talkins, and he says, says he, 'I 'as no call for the Bible, 'cause vy?

Apparently word had gone out of Kramer's arrest, and the corridor was clogged with men. They stood unmoving as we approached. Kramer stopped. "Clear this passage, you men," I said. Slowly they began to move back, giving ground reluctantly. Suddenly Kramer shouted. "That's right, you whiners and complainers, clear the way so the Captain can take me back to the missile deck and shoot me.

"Not as weak-willed blunderers have we under-taken the fearful risk of this war. We wanted it. Because we had to wish it and could wish it. May the Teuton devil throttle those whiners whose pleas for excuses make us ludicrous in these hours of lofty experience. We do not stand, and shall not place ourselves, before the Court of Europe. Our power shall create new law in Europe. Germany strikes.

A man would want the people who are calling for law and order here to be satisfied with the new conditions; he wouldn't want any whiners at the funeral." "New people would come, new business would grow, as soon as the news got abroad that a different condition prevailed in this town," Judge Thayer said.

Jack's alive and merry, boys, When he's got the shiners; Heh! for rattle, fun, and noise, Hang all grumbling whiners. Then drink, and call for what you please Until you've had your whack, boys; We think no more of raging seas, Now that we've come back, boys. Chorus.

At first it was only whiners about whom nobody needed to trouble-frequenters of public-houses, who sat and grumbled in their cups; but gradually it became talk that passed from mouth to mouth; the specter of unemployment haunted every home and made men think over matters once more on their own account; no one could know when his turn would come to sweep the pavement.

"Ah, Bess, my covess, strike me blind if my sees don't tout your bingo muns in spite of the darkmans. Egad, you carry a bane blink aloft. Come to the ken alone no! my blowen; did not I tell you I should bring a pater cove, to chop up the whiners for Dawson?" "Stubble it, you ben, you deserve to cly the jerk for your patter; come in, and be d d to you."