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As we pulled out a big black-and-white fellow looked at us wistfully from a rocky ledge; memories of Bingo, whom he resembled not a little, touched me. I threw him a large piece of dried meat. He ate it, but not ravenously. He seemed in need, not of food, but of company.

O'Brien and perhaps fat, elderly, snarling Bingo, who must sometimes, when his small pink tongue lapped her cheek, have tasted tears. She bored him, and he hurt her; she loved him and tried to please him; he didn't love her, but tried to be polite; he was not often angry with her, he wasn't fond enough of her to be angry!

For you've had a decentish lot of narrow escapes, Toby, my boy!" pursues the oracular Captain Bingo, disregarding his junior's forbidding scowl, "and come out of a goodish few tight places, and you've got out of 'em, if I may say so, more through luck than wit; but that little entanglement I'm delicately alludin' to was one of the closest things on record in the career of a Prodigal Son."

This was going too far. All attempts to make Bingo more moderate in his pleasure were failures, so he was compelled to give it up altogether. After this, though he dared not bring her home, he continued to show his interest by lying at her stable door while she was being milked.

What could it mean? Natalie looked upon it in astonishment. "Where did you get this?" she asked. "My poor ole man gabe it to me, de last time I sees him, and he takes anoder like it, and say, 'Phillis, we will keep dem; dey's not quite as 'spressive as de garultypes ob missus's, but when you sees dat, you may know dat old Bingo am tinking ob you."

Finally, association and immunity made danger less fearsome; the rival no longer appeared a menace. With the generosity born of obstacles overcome, Asbury determined to forgive Bingo and give him a chance. He let him in on a deal, and from that time they worked amicably together until the election came and passed.

"Take him back, Tom," Polly called from the entrance, when she learned that Bingo was waiting, "and bring Barbarian. I'm not going on to-night. Eloise is going to ride in my place." This was the second time to-day that Bingo had been led away without going into the ring. Something in his big, wondering eyes made Polly follow him and apologise. He was very proud, was Bingo, and very conscientious.

"Why, dash it all!" cried the disgusted colonel, "he's dancing along like a d d mountebank! But it's my Bingo, for all that!" "You are not convince? You shall see more. Azor, ici! Pour Beesmarck, Azor!" And the too accomplished animal rolled over as if killed in battle! "Where could Bingo have picked up so much French?" cried Lilian, incredulously.

Some voice which he can't resist will soon say, 'Bingo, die for your country. And our good friend, without changing a muscle of his ugly face, will stretch himself out dead on the floor." "Truth," said Andrew, with a hard glint in his eyes, "does sometimes issue from the lips of a fool." Bakkus laughed, passing his hand over his silvering locks; but Elodie looked very serious.

"Idiot!" she shrieked. "Frightfully sorry! But you're lumps prettier without," said Bingo. "Don't pile insult on injury." "Couldn't flatter for nuts!" "I'll forgive you if you'll tell me how he manages to attain invisibility?"