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A lively discussion ensued as to whether it would be proper to show them to us, and it was decided that nothing ought to be done until the old woman, who is at the head of the pagan practices of the village, should be present. It seems that in the costumbre, already described, there are four priests or leaders. One of these is the old woman just mentioned, and the other three are men.

At first a little hesitancy was shown, but soon all were interested and talked freely. The costumbre comes at about the same time each year, though not upon a fixed date. Its purpose is to secure health, good weather and crops for the coming year, though it may be held on the occasion of pestilence. Everyone, even widows and old maids, brings something for the feast.

Their costumbre is a feast given in his honor, of which he is believed to partake. A jacál hut is prepared in a retired spot; a table is constructed full length of the house within, and upon this a feast is spread of which all partake. Upon this table they place many muñecos of paper; formerly these were made of the bark paper, but they are now made of ordinary paper bought in the stores.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. Jesús, señorita, ¿ya se levantó usted? DOÑA MATILDE. , no he podido cerrar los ojos en toda la noche. BRUNO. Ya se habrá usted estado leyendo hasta las tres o las cuatro, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. No es eso.... BRUNO. Se le habrá arrebatado el calor a la cabeza.... DOÑA MATILDE. Repito que....

The indians under his charge are Otomis, and in one little village, Santa Maria, Totonac. When we came to inquire regarding the pagan practice for which we were searching, we learned that it was peculiar to the Otomis, and formed their annual costumbre custom. They believe that Montezuma is to come again. Meantime, from him come health, crops, and all good things.

She was sent for, and while we waited, we were told that, if we desired to see the lanterns that were used in the last costumbre, they were still preserved in the santocalli. Santocalli is a mongrel word from Spanish santo, saint, and the Aztec calli, house. It was a little structure of adobe and canes, close to the schoolhouse, and fronting with it upon the little plaza of the village.

This they do that Montezuma may be propitiated, and give them what they desire; the money and the muñecos, sprinkled with blood, are left upon the table after the feast, the former being stolen by passing mestizos. The presidente stated that, at the pueblito of Santa Maria, where we should go upon the morrow to see some Totonacs, they had just celebrated their annual costumbre.

And races every day, dance in the night. Then all go to stay at another rancho; it is costumbre to visit the one to the other. I feel very sorry for two so handsome caballeros, who are more devot than any. They looking very sad when they go, and I am sure they propose and no was accep. "In the evening it is very quiet, and I am sweep the corridor when I hear two horses gallop down the valley.

BRUNO. Suba usted caballerito ... y yo oigo. DON EDUARDO. ¿Qué tenemos, Matilde mía? DOÑA MATILDE. Nada bueno, Eduardo; papá me acaba de asegurar que jamás me dará su consentimiento. DON EDUARDO. ¡Será posible! DOÑA MATILDE. Y tanto como lo es ... me ha dicho también mil horrores de usted.... DON EDUARDO. ¡De ! DOÑA MATILDE. En primer lugar, y según costumbre, que era usted pobre.

Lines of crosses, rosettes, birds, etc., are worked in various-colored wools upon them. Many of them have a broad line of color, in geometrical combinations, running vertically up the middle. The men wear cotones of black and white. Twenty-five or thirty of the more important men of the village were now taken to the schoolhouse, where the presidente inquired, for me, in regard to the costumbre.