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But he, too, soon went, not having summoned courage to recur to the name of Roden's noble friend. The two lads remained for the sake of saying a word of comfort to Roden, who still sat writing at his desk. "I thought it was very low form," said Bobbin; "Crocker going on like that." "Crocker's a baist," said Geraghty. "What was it to him what anybody eats for his lunch?" continued Bobbin.

Sure ye'll go off again av ye do. Kape quiet, dear. 'Tis all right ye'll be in a day or two. Bad luck to the baist that did it!" This latter remark brought the scene of the tiger-hunt suddenly to Will's remembrance, and he whispered, for he had not strength to speak aloud "Was he killed? Who saved me?"

She held in her hand all but the smallest fragment of the mantle, the price of which, however, Miss Biles had been careful to repocket, and showed no sign of exhaustion, whereas Jones was speechless. But, nevertheless, she was in tears, and appealed loudly to the police and to the crowd as to her wrongs. "I'm fairly murthered with him, thin, so I am, the baist, the villain, the swindhler.

The old man started and moved towards her, eagerly, his keen eyes breaking through the film that at times obscured them. "'Merrikan! tha baist 'Merrikan? Then tha knaws ma son John, 'ee war nowt but a bairn when brether Dick took un to 'Merriky! Naw! Now! that wor fifty years sen! niver wroate to his old feyther niver coomed back, 'Ee wor tall-loike, an' thea said 'e feavored mea."

"Ar bain't no more deserter than thou baist spy," he retorted, as he left the tavern and went to where his horse was tethered. Unfastening him, he stood for a moment stroking the animal's nose. "Joggles," he confided, "I fear, despite the praise the fair ones gave of my impersonation of 'The Fashionable Lover, that I am not so good an actor as either Garrick or Barry.

"Think o' that, now!" exclaimed Larry, with a broad grin; "sure I wint an' forgot it, an' the sevinth wan, too, called common sense, of which, Muggins, you haven't got no more in yer skull than a blue-faced baboon. Hallo! wot's that? Is it a wild baist on its hind-legs or only a mad man?"

"Bedad, Tom," whispered Mick to me, when he got out of range of the lieutenant's grapeshot, and we were having a feed ourselves in a quiet corner, "Oi wush thet blissid ould baist he wor roidin' hed run away wid him, sure, over the cliff an' made an ind ov the spalpeen! Faith, it isn't mesilf thet wud cry me oyes out, or wear mournin' fur him!"

"Well now," remonstrated Dan, "I ain't 'xactly a walkin' dictionary; but I b'lieve it's a baist o' the say what hain't got nothin' but a body an' a stummik, indeed I'm not sure but that it's all stummik together, with just legs enough to move about with, or may be a fin or two, an' a hole to let in the wittles; quite in your line, by the way, Miss Bounder." "Imperance!" ejaculated cook.

"Troth, it's my belaif that there's no pass at all," said Larry, somewhat doggedly, as he shifted about uneasily in the saddle; "haven't we bin comin' up to places all day that we thought was the pass, but they wasn't; I don't think Mister Arryhairo knows it hisself, and this baist of a mule has blistered my hands an' a'most broke my arms with baitin' of it not to mintion other parts o' me body.