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He started on the last journey unnoticed save by the man standing next him; and Gawd above! what's the use? They'd been together for two years, share and share alike; and now the end. Putting up a bit of rusty wire round a sap. . . . "Easy, boy, easy. 'Ere, cut them ruddy braces away. 'Orl rite, old son, you've copped a Blighty. Thro' yer stummik Gor luv yer no.

Lady to the left going on valiantly and speaking to everyone who cares to listen, while Mrs. Johnson beams beside her: "There she used to sit as bold as brass, and the fun she used to make of things no one could believe knowing her now. She used to make faces at the mistress through the " Mrs. Punt keeping steadily on: "The contents of the stummik at any rate ought to be examined." Voice of Mr.

Quite crossly he spoke for him. "I'd rather have a good sensible actin' stummik than a full head," said Mrs. Monday, "any day." "I'm different, you see," snapped Mr. Lewisham, and relapsed into silence and gloom. Mr. Bonover, having fully matured a Hint suitable for the occasion, dropped it in the afternoon, while Lewisham was superintending cricket practice.

"I have, and did not ask their use, as I thought they were merely meant to strengthen the canoe." "So they are," continued the hermit, "but they have other uses besides " "Massa," cried Moses, at this point. "You'll 'scuse me for 'truptin' you, but it's my opinion dat Spinkie's sufferin' jus' now from a empty stummik!" The hermit smiled and Nigel laughed. Laying down his paddle the former said

"You've had sardines on toast twenty-one nights running; what more do you want? Listen to the words of Sapper Mackintosh the pudding-faced marvel. This" he held up a letter "is the fifth which he hopes will find the recipient as it leaves him at present in the pink, and with the dreadful pains in his stummik quite gone." "Our Doctor has a wonderful bedside manner," remarked the Scotchman.

"I have, and did not ask their use, as I thought they were merely meant to strengthen the canoe." "So they are," continued the hermit, "but they have other uses besides " "Massa," cried Moses, at this point. "You'll 'scuse me for 'truptin' you, but it's my opinion dat Spinkie's sufferin' jus' now from a empty stummik!" The hermit smiled and Nigel laughed. Laying down his paddle the former said

"O massa!" interrupted the negro, assuming the sympathetic gaze instantly, and speaking with intense feeling, "it's not in de stummik, am it?" He placed his hand gently on the region referred to. "No, Quash," Lawrence replied, with a laugh, "it is not the body at all that affects me; it is the mind." "Oh! is dat all?" said the negro, quite relieved. "Den you not need to boder you'self.

"Don't you find this bad air tell on your health?" he continued. "Iss, sur. After six or seven hours I do feel my head like to split, an' my stummik as if it wor on fire; but what can us do? we must live, you knaw."

It's nat'ral-like poaching or drinking or wind on the stummik. You can't 'elp it and there you are! As for the good of it, there ain't no particular good in it as I can see. It's a toss up. The hotter come, the sooner cold, but they all gets tired of it sooner or later.... I hain't no grounds to complain. Two I've 'ad and berried, and might 'ave 'ad a third, and never no worrit with kids never....

"Of coorse, an' a snooze when ye're sleepy; but don't let's git too pheelosophical, daddy; it an't good for digestion to argufy on a empty stummik. An' I see ye wants me to argue, but I won't do it; there now!"