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"'You take dis yer sweet'n' 'tater, sez she, 'I done goophered it 'speshly fer dat noo nigger, so you better not eat it yo'se'f er you'll wush you had n', en slip off ter town, en fin' dat strange man, en gib 'im dis yer sweet'n' 'tater. He mus' eat it befo' mawnin', sho', ef he doan wanter be sol' erway ter Noo Orleens.

Wush you'd sorter draw off in writin' what you want me to do." "Don't talk thatter way. I am so anxious, an' 'specially at this time when " "When what?" "When these folks air here when that young feller is a payin' so much attention to Lou." "Don't worry about her, Margaret. If she has to take bitter medicine, she'll do it an' smack her mouth."

En w'en de man w'at come ter bring Lightnin' Bug tol' Sis' Becky her pickaninny wa'n't dead, Sis' Becky wuz so glad dat she 'lowed she wuz gwine ter try ter lib 'tel she got back whar she could see little Mose once mo'. En w'en she retch' de ole plantation en seed her baby kickin' en crowin' en holdin' out his little arms to'ds her, she wush' she wuz n' cunju'd en did n' hafter die.

"'I've seen i' the Bible, said I, 'that man was gi'en "dominion ower the beasts o' the earth an' the fowls o' the air," but I canna do as I'd wush wi' thae cursed geese ower there. "'Verra richt; ye're verra richt, young man, said he. 'What wud ye gie to be able to kill as mony fowl as ye list, an' never miss ava? "It seemed as I were mad at th' thocht. 'I'd gie my saul, said I.

He sat down, took up a lap-board, and upon it began to cut a piece of leather; but leaving off the work, gave himself up to deep thought. "Shot fo' and stobbed three," he said, his mind on the story paper. "Ah, it may not be true, but it sounds mighty natchul. I wonder how it all is goin' to end. Don't want to think about it; wush I could think of somethin' else. Margaret's got her heart set.

"Po' little Cheery was mighty troubled in her min' w'en she foun' out 'bout'n hit, an' she beg Dreary ter tuck de spell off; but no, she wouldn't do it. She 'lowed, do, ef anybody should eber wush anything fur anybody else, dat den de stone might shrink up ergin; fur who, she sez ter herse'f, is gwine ter wush fur things fur tudder folks?

"The law can no be cheatit so easy, Tam Lorrigan. I hae no wush to send ye tae jail but ye ken weel that wad be the penalty for killin' yon beastie in the willows. I came to settle the matter fair between neighbors, and tae warn ye to cease your evil doings on the range. I wadna see yer woman come tae grief " "You can cut out that mercy talk, Scotty. And don't try to bring Belle into this.

She said ter herse'f, 'I ain't gwine ter be like dat foolish Cheery, dancin' an' laughin' foreber, caze she thinks such things ez flowers an' grass kin make folks happy; but I'm gwine ter do er rael good ter eb'ybody," so she laid er spell on de stone, so dat w'en anybody sot on de stone an' wush anything dey'd hab jes w'at dey wush fur; an' so as ter let er heap er folks wush at once, she made it so dat eb'y wush would make de stone twice ez big ez 'twuz befo'.

I got them not more than an hour ago." The smugglers glanced at each other and were struck dumb; but they were now too much on their guard to let any further evidence of surprise escape them. "Weel, I wush ye success, sirs," said Swankie, sitting down to his oar. "It's likely ye'll come across mair if ye try Dickmont's Den. There's usually somethin' hidden thereaboots."

De one dat did would 'a' wush' he had n', ef he could 'a' libbed long ernuff ter do any wushin'. "It all happen' dis erway. Dey wuz a cunjuh man w'at libbed ober t' other side er de Lumbe'ton Road. He had be'n de only cunjuh doctor in de naberhood fer lo! dese many yeahs, 'tel ole Aun' Peggy sot up in de bizness down by de Wim'l'ton Road.