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The neels were dear, an' so they tuk to usin' boot-pegs; but not hevin' a manafactry o' the pegs down south, they hed to git 'em from the no'th. Jest then, my pertner an' I thought o' makin' a spekoolashun on the pegs; so we loaded our schooner wi' thet eer freight, chuck right up to the hetches; an' then sot off from Bosting for Orleens. We thort we'd make our derned fortune out thet eer trip."

"Yees; certingly I remember it he, he, he! But I kim a better trick then thet on the Orleens people 'bout five yeer ago jest 'fore I jined the Rangers." "Fwhat was it, shure?" "We ell, ye see, I wan't allers es poor es I'm now. I hed a pertnership in a bit o' a schooner, es used to trade 'tween Bosting an' Orleens, an' we used to load her wi' all sorts o' notions, to sell to the Orleens folk.

What's that, Sam, says he? for you always had a most a special memory when you was a boy; why says I, "that the horn of the righteous man shall be exalted," I guess that's what they mean by "exalten the horn," aint it? Lord if ever you was to New OrLEENS, and seed a black thunder cloud rise right up and cover the whole sky in a it, you'd a thought of it if you had seed his face.

Oh, very like, says he, bowin as polite as a black waiter at New OrLEENS, very like, only I never heerd it afore; oh, very good French dat CLEAR STUFF, no doubt, but I no understand its all my fault, I dare say, Sare.

I suspect, Joe, that you have run afoul of Samson, the hired man of Meshach Milburn, who is a boxer, though I wonder that he could get away with your youth and size. Of course, I won't let you come to harm. You haven't been playing your tricks on anybody's negroes, Joe?" "No, upon my word, Judge! You see, I took a load of Egypt down the Nanticoke to Norfolk, and shipped 'em to Orleens.

Why there are twice as many harbors and water powers were, as we have all the way from Eastport to New OrLEENS. They have all they can ax, and more than they desarve. They have iron, coal, slate, grindstone, lime, firestone, gypsum, freestone, and a list as long as an auctioneer's catalogue. But they are either asleep, or stone blind to them.

Why, there are twice as many harbours and water-powers here, as we have all the way from Eastport to New OrLEENS. They have all they can ax, and more than they desarve. They have iron, coal, slate, grindstone, lime, firestone, gypsum, free-stone, and a list as long as an auctioneer's catalogue. But they are either asleep, or stone blind to them.

"Shure yez did, didn't ye?" "No-o-o; neer a bit o' 't. It keemd nigh breakin' us." "Arrah, how?" "We-ell! ye see, when we got roun' to Orleens, we learnt that the boot-trade hed a'most stopped. The allygator leather didn't turn out jest the thing for brogans; an' besides, it got sca'ce by reezun o' the killin' o' them verming.

Here's the suckin' kid; let Uncle Byle heft him once. Gosh, baby, you want to grab uncle's nose, do you? Well, then, pull away till the cows come home. What's 'is name?" "Richard," answered the mother. "Why didn't you name him after me? P. B. Arlington would sound sort of uppercrusty, eh? 'Richard, you say? Oh, I see. Named for your daddy's Orleens brother, the cripple! Yes! yes!

So he tuk de nigger ter town dat same day, en sol' 'im ter a trader w'at wuz gittin' up a gang er lackly niggers fer ter ship off on de steamboat ter go down de ribber ter Wim'l'ton en fum dere ter Noo Orleens.