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I understand that none share but such as are in sight; but is dairkness deemed a legal impediment?" "To be sure it is; the idea being that all who can see may act. Now, if we catch the lugger before Captain Cuffe and Sir Frederick even know where she is, on what principle can they aid and sustain us in the capture?" "And you wish a shairp lookout the night, Captain Lyon?" "That's just it, Airchy.

What are you thinking of, Airchy?" "Of just that, Captain Lyon. It would be dividing every lieutenant's share by three, as well as every captain's." "That's it, Airchy, and so ye'll have a shairp lookout on deck.

"'Now his narrative ended, the butler retir'd, Whilst Betty Watt, muttering half drunk through her teeth, Declar'd 'in her breast great consarn it inspir'd, That my lord should sae cullishly come by his death; Next a keelman was called on, Bold Airchy by name, Who the book as he kissed showed the whites of his eyes, Then he cut an odd caper attention to claim, And this evidence gave them respecting Lord 'Size;

"Never fear for us, Cuffe; you'll never miss the men I shall expend." Every captain had a word to say to his officers; but none other worth recording, with the exception of what passed between Lyon and his first lieutenant. "Ye'll remember, Airchy, that a ship can have a reputation for economy, as well as a man.

Airchy followed him to the Terpsichore, with visions of prize-money before his eyes, which were tolerably realized in the course of the succeeding five years.