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I started at once with my pockets pretty well lined with gold, for I had just received a good lumping share of prize-money, which I was sorely puzzled to know what to do with. I was pleased at the thought of again seeing my old captain, though I scarcely fancied he would remember much about the little services I had done him. Who should open the door but Jane herself!

It means no end o' prize-money the saving of a smart craft like this; but, beg pardon, sir, ain't we going to have a bit of a wash and swab?" "More signals, sir," cried Bob, who was watching the Nautilus and the flags being run up. "Yes, I see," said the lieutenant. "Take the boat, Mr Howlett, and ask for stores to be sent on board here. We are to remain."

After dinner I gave them a brief recital of your adventure, and said publicly that I considered you were entitled to a handsome share of the prize-money which you had almost miraculously brought back, and the president thoroughly endorsed my views.

"Oh! yes; war is certainly our trade." "And have you yet seen any of its horrors? Has this ship been in combat since your service?" "This ship!" "Surely this ship: Have you ever sailed in any other?" "Never." "Then, it is of this ship that one must question you. Is prize-money plenty among your crew?" "Abundant; they never want." "Then the vessel and Captain are both favourites.

They might know of one, but as there was very small chance of her ever being restored to her owner, while the boys were not likely to have the means of paying for her, she was doubtful. "As to that," said Bill, "we shall have plenty of prize-money. I hope to pay for her over and over again; and I will promise most faithfully to do so."

That you would give your right hand not to have done so, as things have turned out, I really believe; but, however, there is no occasion to fret any more about it. I have received three years' pay, and the prize-money for the last eighteen months, and there is still some more due, for a French privateer.

However, I purchased my company with some prize-money that fell in my way, and I always remember the marine service with gratitude. But this is dry work. I have put a bottle of sparkling Madeira in my pocket, with a couple of glasses, which we will discuss while we talk over more important matters.

"Perhaps we may carry her in, and obtain salvage. That would be very fine, better than all the prize-money I am likely to make for a long time to come." Such were the ideas that floated through his mind as he returned to the cabin. A comfortable-looking bed invited him to rest, and rousing up David for a moment, he made him crawl half asleep into another.

He was a soldier of fortune, loved fighting, not only for the fighting's sake, but for the prize-money which was to be accumulated by campaigning, and he was wont to say that he meant to enter Paradise sword in hand. Meantime his appointment excited the wrath of the provincial magnates.

Whosoever would come, Amyas would double out of his own purse any prize-money which might fall to that man's share. One of the old Pelican's crew, Simon Evans of Clovelly, stepped out at once. "Why six only, captain? Give the word, and any and all of us will go up with you, sack the house, and bring off the treasure and the lady, before two hours are out." "No, no, my brave lads!