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It was pleasant to be among people again, to hear a voice that was not the gruff speech of Stefan, given out in a powerful bass. "More as two months ve traipse all ofer," volunteered the latter. "Ye-es, Miss Sophy, ma'am, ve vork youst like niggers. Und it's only ven ve gets back real handy here, by de pig Falls, dat ve strike someting vhat look mighty good. Hugo here he build a good log-shack.

About this time a young Teutonic fellow came along, and asked for something to eat. After giving him his dinner, I asked if he was looking for work. He said he was, and would work mighty cheap. I asked if he would like to be a chambermaid, and make up beds, and sweep. He exclaimed: "Oh, yah, yah; I youst so goot a shampermait as notting else."

"It is shut anyvays, de paper is. Follansbee he youst gif it to me. I tank nobotty open dat telegraft now till Hugo he get it." He tucked the mail-bag and the parcel under one arm and went out, placing the former in a box that was lashed to the toboggan. Then he clicked at his dogs, who began to trot off easily towards the rise of ground at the side of the big lake.

Then she sprang to her dress hanging on the hook, and after struggling among the roots of her pocket, found the opening, and with triumph breathing from every feature of her face, she brought forth a small white cube, and cried out, "Youst you look at dat!"

Johnston, I find a pair of pants here youst exactly like mine." I stepped in, and sure enough, there hung a pair in the Irish shoemaker's room, the exact counterpart of Dutchy's. I explained to Dutchy that we would have a little fun with the Irishman, and told him to wait for instructions from me before he attempted to play his part.

"If Hugo he come vhile I am avay, you tell him I pring youst two three tings from my voman for you. I'm back right avay. So long, ma'am!" She was left alone for at least a quarter of an hour, and it reminded her of a long wait she had undergone in the reception-room of the hospital.

Irish stood waiting for me to introduce the subject to the maid, and I waited for him. I then turned to him and said: "Well, Irish, prove your case." "Well, be jabers! d'ye s'pose I am going to insult this lady? Not by a dang sight, pants or no pants." I turned to Dutchy and said: "Have you got Irish's pants on?" "Nix; I youst got my own pants."

She then said: "Vel, Doctor, I youst got ten dollar. You take dot, und I pay you de undter ten last week." "Not much," said the Doctor, firmly. "Twenty dollars or nothing." I then looked in, and calling him to me, whispered: "Great Heavens! don't let her leave with that ten dollars. Take it; take it quick!" "Well, but the fool wants to pay the balance last week instead of next week."

"Ve get one big canoe upset in country close in by Gowganda," said Stefan again. "Vidout him Hugo I youst git trowned." "That wasn't anything," exclaimed Hugo, hastily. "It was one tamn pig ting for me, anyvays," declared Stefan, roaring out with contented laughter. Miss Sophy was not greatly pleased when Hugo civilly declined an invitation to have dinner with her ma and pa.