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To me, Baron von Blitzenberg! Teufel!’ I replied.” “And that was all, Baron?” asked Mr Bunker, in what seemed rather like a tone of relief. “No; suddenly he did turn back and said, ‘By ze vay, who vas zat viz you last night?’ To vich I replied, ‘If you address me again, my man, I vill call ze police. Go avay!’ ” “Bravo, Baron! Ha, ha, ha! Excellent!” laughed Mr Bunker.

"Donner und blitzen, you Grasshobber, you my neck brek yet, I dink," roared Schmidt, gazing at the disaster. "Vos iss los mit you, any vay, you bad Grasshobber. Himmel! dot propeller almost takes my nose off. Aber nicht, I am a dunderhead. I forget to turn der switch; dot's vy I can't stob der Grasshobber ven she hobs avay."

'Sammy, if I wos to stop here alone vun week only vun week, my boy that 'ere 'ooman 'ud marry me by force and wiolence afore it was over. 'Wot! is she so wery fond on you? inquired Sam. 'Fond! replied his father. 'I can't keep her avay from me. If I was locked up in a fireproof chest vith a patent Brahmin, she'd find means to get at me, Sammy.

And I will not look! I cannot see you!" Whether in deference to imperial prejudices, or because a kiltless man would be thrown away upon a lady who refused to look at him, the Baron regretfully desisted from this project. At his wits' end, he besought her "Make zem take you avay, so zat you vill be safe from my rage! I do not trost myself mit you. I am so violent as a bull!

Making as much as possible of the raconteur's privileges of clearing his throat, settling himself into good position, and gazing dreamily at the tree-tops for inspiration, he began in a slow, measured voice "In ze pass he stood. Zen gomed his enemies. He fired his gon and shooted some dead. Zen did zey run avay. Zat vas vat happened."

They joost ready to fall to pieces, and if I patch 'em up nobody don't buy 'em. Vot I do is to leave 'em out on de sidewalk for a veek or two and let de dirt and rain get on 'em, den somebody come along and say: 'Dot is genuine. You can see right avay how olt dot is. Dot is because de bottom is out of de sofas, and de back of de behind of de sideboard is busted.

"Come back in about an hour and I expect I'll have an answer," he told the Frenchman, quite meekly. The latter went into McGurn's store and purchased some tobacco and a few needed groceries. Suddenly he bethought himself of Stefan. "Mon Dieu!" he exclaimed. "Heem ought know right avay, sure." He drove his team around to Stefan's smithy but failed to find him. At the house Mrs.

"Vell," he began as he burst into the store and stopped in front of Denver, "I vant an answer, right avay, on dat property I showed you the udder day. I joost got a letter from a chentleman in Moroni inquiring about an option on dat claim and " "You can give it to him," cut in Denver, "I've just closed with Mr. Hill for that Number One claim up the crick."

I do most anytin' for you, but my little girl, you see, dat come pretty close. Dat make a awful hole in me if Beesving go avay. No, you mustn't ask me dot." "Not if it were for her good?" "Yes, vell, of course, but how do I know dot? And vot you vant to go avay for? Dot's more vorse as Beesving. Ain't I pay you enough? Maybe you vants a little interest in de business?

"Stand avay, man!" he added to the constable, who now laid hand on his collar. "You'll see vot the judge says to that 'ere bit of paper; and so vill the prisoner, poor fellow!"