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"We might let Gordon handle him," Vorse suggested. "I thought perhaps you intended to keep the Judge in ignorance of this Martinez matter. He seems to be getting sort of feeble." "He's not too feeble to take his share of the unpleasant jobs along with the rest of us," Vorse answered, unfeelingly.

I want him to see the wreck; I want him to know just what's happened before he's haled away; I want him feeling good and sick already when he gets the next jolt." "Sure. It's him or us, as I've said from the first; and I've always believed in making a clean sweep," Vorse remarked. "We have the right line this time.

At last he said, "Please your honour, if I bean't strong enough for the crossin', I 'se afeared I'm too h-ailing to sarve you. And voud n't I be vorse nor a wiper to take your vages and not vork for 'em h-as I h-ought?" "Pooh! we'll soon make you strong, my man. Take my advice; don't let your head run on the crossing. That kind of industry exposes you to bad company and bad thoughts."

The sheriff said nothing, but lifted his gun a little. Vorse by a slight movement of his body had edged from the bar as if to gain freedom for action. "The game's up for you men too," Weir said. "You've murdered and robbed and swindled in this country long enough; I've got the proof and I'm going to remove you from this community. It's not I who will be arrested.

Just some kid who happened to drift by at the minute and look in, and there's not one chance in a million he's anywhere around these parts yet. He would have blabbed long ago to some one if he had been; don't figure him in, he's lost." "Saurez isn't, though." At this Vorse put in a word. "He saw more than one killing in those days when he was roustabout for me. It was only one more to him.

All at once in scanning certain lines she came on names that were plain enough Sorenson, Vorse, Burkhardt, Gordon. The last must mean Judge Gordon. Then presently she found two more names that excited her curiosity James Dent's and Joseph Weir's. Springing to her feet she stared at the sheets in her hand. For some reason or other her blood was beating with an odd sensation of impending discovery.

For a minute he stood half crouching as he had been at the instant of shooting, his eyes glaring balefully at his enemy and the thin cruel smile on his lips, while the two men in front stood warily waiting with weapons extended. Then Vorse clutched at his breast, muttered thickly and toppled over full length on the floor. The sharp pungent smell of powder smoke mingled with the reek of liquor.

The Mexican bar-keeper was wiping a glass; Vorse was not in sight; and ha! there was Saurez himself drowsing by a table. Martinez slipped in and made his way to the rear. "Come; time to go home," he said softly, giving the old Mexican's shoulder a shake. This did not arouse the sleeper, so he added force to his hand, at which the other sagged forward limply. Martinez jumped back.

"Then you are going for a drive with the Count Bunker this afternoon?" she asked, as they strolled slowly towards the house. "For a leetle tour in my estate," he answered easily. "On business, I suppose?" "Yes, vorse luck!" He knew not whether to feel more relieved or embarrassed to find that he evidently rose in her estimation as a conscientious landlord.

With Sorenson and Vorse locked up along with Burkhardt and I'll throw Lucerio, the county attorney, in with them on the off chance he's an accomplice there will be high feeling running in San Mateo. As quick as I can make arrangements, we'll take them to safe quarters elsewhere to-night if possible, to-morrow at the latest, in fast machines. These men have friends, remember."