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"Look you, sir, it's only a mean shcoundrel that voud call a pound a week too much for good vittles. I'll put it thick on him, I will!" "Stop that, or I'll have you turned out of the ship at once," said Mr Jellaby, as the Jew made a dart at "Downy," who dodged behind the marine sentry on the quarter-deck; while he repeated his injunction to the defaulter. "Pay the man his money and let him go."

"Veil, you not vorry, boy; you voud be no good on ze war-sheep. But now you come wis me to ze Capitaine bring ze olif."

At last he said, "Please your honour, if I bean't strong enough for the crossin', I 'se afeared I'm too h-ailing to sarve you. And voud n't I be vorse nor a wiper to take your vages and not vork for 'em h-as I h-ought?" "Pooh! we'll soon make you strong, my man. Take my advice; don't let your head run on the crossing. That kind of industry exposes you to bad company and bad thoughts."

At last he said, "Please your honour, if I bean't strong enough for the crossin', I 'se afeared I'm too h-ailing to sarve you. And voud n't I be vorse nor a wiper to take your vages and not vork for 'em h-as I h-ought?" "Pooh! we'll soon make you strong, my man. Take my advice; don't let your head run on the crossing. That kind of industry exposes you to bad company and bad thoughts."